Pages : [1] 2 3 4 5 6 7

  1. Observations.
  2. Planning
  3. Trackers and Obs Records
  4. Observations
  5. Planning
  6. Do we observe 5 to10 year olds?
  7. Observations and Data protection
  8. play planning eyfs
  9. Please help (obs, assesments and plans)
  12. My Planning please take a look
  13. long term planning
  14. January Planning
  15. individual planning confusion
  16. Planning - Weather
  17. Planning Together
  18. Planning
  19. Sorry .... Planning
  20. Waste of planning for
  21. Re: Planning and activities and parent feedback
  22. medium term planning
  23. How detailed does the planning have to be.
  24. Daily/Weekly/Termly planning
  25. What themes do you have planned?
  26. UNDER 3's - To plan or not to plan????
  27. Obs sheet?
  28. Observations Policy
  29. Observation Sheets
  30. I haven't done any planning for 4 months!
  31. planning
  32. help with sample observation policy
  33. Planning & Obs
  34. Planning for each individual child
  35. Observations
  36. Planning
  38. planning help please
  39. observations
  40. Themes by Month
  41. Help with colour topic for EYFS
  42. May Planning
  44. Planning themes
  45. Can I use as an Obs
  46. Planning
  47. Individual and Group planning questions
  48. Struggling to fit the obs in,any tips plz
  49. Termly assessments and development report
  50. Memory Sticks/CDs or hard drive
  51. How Many Obs Per week??
  52. Observations and Ofsted
  53. Is this ok??
  54. Obs for 10mth old
  55. Do you need to do obs on your own children?
  56. all the small things
  57. Feedback from parents
  58. Individual planning
  59. Obs for an 18month old
  60. Planning for a 7 month old??
  61. Mindee observations
  62. Parents help with planning activites
  63. Do we have to do weekly/short term planning?
  64. Marine Habitats planning
  65. Planning
  66. Planning: as a setting/individual, long term, Med term, short term I want to scream!
  67. Observations
  68. PSED
  69. do you use the Practical Guidance book when doing obs and planning
  70. i need to get out of teaher mode so how do i plan as a childminder?
  71. EYFS - Planning help needed
  72. website listing festivals
  73. anyone doing the surrey eyfs learning journey!!
  74. planning arount mode of transports
  75. Planning for babies
  76. Help with EYFS course homework
  77. Would you use this as an observation?
  78. Accreditation planning HELP
  79. Linking Continuous Provision to EYFS
  80. obs sheet in free resources
  81. Weekly activities doc
  82. Spontaneous or planned?
  83. need advise on ob's please
  84. Not sure!
  85. Medium Term Planning ... Is this right?
  86. Planning
  87. Planning doc for summer holidays
  88. dating learning journey
  89. Change of plan
  90. obs ! journal ! plan !
  91. HELP PLEASE !!
  92. how canI i link PSED to.......
  93. observation photos
  94. Group planning
  95. planing grrrr
  96. short term medium term or long term
  97. stooopid question
  98. Different countries theme
  99. Obs Booklet in nurseries
  100. help with making cakes
  101. growing cress- areas of learning?
  102. Observation -- 7 month old
  103. Planning Advice
  104. ofsted and themes
  105. Planning for my mindee
  106. planning sheets can you help
  107. Rare breeds farm
  108. My first planning sheet!!!
  109. Stuck on one area of planning
  110. Help me link this obsvtn please
  111. Polictical Correctness
  112. First Observation
  113. help with planning
  114. Help-Minds gone blank re planning
  116. At What Age do I Introduce Multi-Cultural Themes
  117. longterm planning help
  118. Help me please
  119. Really sorry to have to ask another obs q!
  120. Been doing obs and next steps for 2 hrs now
  121. A bit confused with full obs or post its or notes
  122. I can't find....
  123. nearly there with first obs just need alittle bit more help
  124. individual planning help needed
  125. Help with PSRN planning please!
  126. Observations/planning/linking
  127. Activity planning sheets
  128. Help!
  129. All about me planning ideas
  130. Planning
  131. Planning using EYFS Development Stages
  132. Next Steps
  133. Planning/Activitie Ideas
  134. Help with 1st observation pleeaassee !!
  135. need another pair of eyes
  136. After school children
  137. Help Please...? Just seen forum heading x
  138. Is this too much?
  139. Help with Planning...Dolls and Princess...
  140. IEP
  141. Recommendations for EYFS Obs & Planning books
  142. How do you organise your paperwork?
  143. Basic Outline of planning - help please
  144. ideas please
  145. Observation
  146. do you make pictures on each obs
  147. Observation,Planning and assessment forms
  148. Obs help please
  149. Is there a right or wrong way
  150. all about me planning
  151. EYFS for School age child.
  152. Please help me before I go mad!!!!
  153. Help please- which area ?
  154. Observations.
  155. Help!!!!!
  156. Planned Observation Sheet?
  157. Handwritten or typed??
  159. feeling a bit sad and a bit overwhelmed!
  160. Individual planning, again.!
  161. Planning for a 10 month old
  163. Can I use daily diary as my observations?
  164. How much planning for 2 yrs and under?
  165. Before school only children
  166. What area does this fall into ?
  167. obs question sorry
  168. which ob can I do with this?
  169. having a mental block!!!
  171. Water Play - does this fall under a particular schema?
  172. How to word this possibly negative obs and next step
  173. I'm up till silly o'clock with planning on the brain!
  174. Circles in the EYFS
  175. Planning
  176. Obs & EYFS
  177. Is this the right way?
  178. Planning
  179. Help to link this day out.
  180. best way to do obs without photos
  181. 1st observation
  183. Vegetables
  184. treasure sacks
  185. not sure on my 1st observation
  186. Long Term Planning ???????
  187. Summary observations - do we need to do them?
  188. I have brain block! Is there a name for this?
  189. Short Term Planning
  190. Planning Bonfire Night for a 2 year old
  191. I'm a bit confused about EYFS/planning
  192. Next Steps
  193. Topic webs
  194. Every child matters
  195. Re: child minded part time
  196. planning help needed PLS
  197. Planning for under 3's
  198. checklist observations - help please!
  199. Stuck
  200. 4 year old starting Friday
  201. Anyone not do written planning?
  202. obs help please
  203. help! another qu... please
  204. Role play
  205. the cheek of her
  206. Is this ok for observation???
  207. Learning and Development
  208. do you use a theme
  209. my first observation - seems to easy to be right though...
  210. speaking french observation
  211. Obs on using the PC question
  212. Happy Bunny - Planning
  213. Planning for Children In Need
  214. Creative development query
  215. I just cant fit it all in!
  216. Planning have I got it right
  217. interested in Keys !
  218. Multicultural Celebrations
  219. Planning advice please?
  220. Planning help please
  221. Bromley obs and planning??
  222. EYFS planning ideas
  223. How many obs is enough?
  224. Please can you help me with planning!
  225. Monthly/Weekly planning
  226. Can you help me link learning my name...
  227. Is this ok?! First real observation.
  228. can you just check my ob please??
  229. Lining things up
  230. Is this right???
  231. Individual Planning
  232. Sticky Notes
  233. Evaluation
  234. planning ideas please
  235. Photographs
  236. Templates
  237. Look, Listen & Learn
  238. What could this be???
  239. I need to simplify my planning
  240. Dinosaurs
  241. observations... how many?
  242. Wondering?????
  243. 5 Year old Obs
  244. Planning
  245. Observations
  246. How do you relate planning to the EYFS?
  247. Help please!
  248. Planning advice
  249. how many obs do we really have to do???
  250. Linking Sensory Activity (Smell) to EYFS

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