- Observations.
- Planning
- Trackers and Obs Records
- Observations
- Planning
- Do we observe 5 to10 year olds?
- Observations and Data protection
- play planning eyfs
- Please help (obs, assesments and plans)
- My Planning please take a look
- long term planning
- January Planning
- individual planning confusion
- Planning - Weather
- Planning Together
- Planning
- Sorry .... Planning
- Waste of planning for today.lol
- Re: Planning and activities and parent feedback
- medium term planning
- How detailed does the planning have to be.
- Daily/Weekly/Termly planning
- What themes do you have planned?
- UNDER 3's - To plan or not to plan????
- Obs sheet?
- Observations Policy
- Observation Sheets
- I haven't done any planning for 4 months!
- planning
- help with sample observation policy
- Planning & Obs
- Planning for each individual child
- Observations
- Planning
- planning help please
- observations
- Themes by Month
- Help with colour topic for EYFS
- May Planning
- Planning themes
- Can I use as an Obs
- Planning
- Individual and Group planning questions
- Struggling to fit the obs in,any tips plz
- Termly assessments and development report
- Memory Sticks/CDs or hard drive
- How Many Obs Per week??
- Observations and Ofsted
- Is this ok??
- Obs for 10mth old
- Do you need to do obs on your own children?
- all the small things
- Feedback from parents
- Individual planning
- Obs for an 18month old
- Planning for a 7 month old??
- Mindee observations
- Parents help with planning activites
- Do we have to do weekly/short term planning?
- Marine Habitats planning
- Planning
- Planning: as a setting/individual, long term, Med term, short term I want to scream!
- Observations
- do you use the Practical Guidance book when doing obs and planning
- i need to get out of teaher mode so how do i plan as a childminder?
- EYFS - Planning help needed
- website listing festivals
- anyone doing the surrey eyfs learning journey!!
- planning arount mode of transports
- Planning for babies
- Help with EYFS course homework
- Would you use this as an observation?
- Accreditation planning HELP
- Linking Continuous Provision to EYFS
- obs sheet in free resources
- Weekly activities doc
- Spontaneous or planned?
- need advise on ob's please
- Not sure!
- Medium Term Planning ... Is this right?
- Planning
- Planning doc for summer holidays
- dating learning journey
- Change of plan
- obs ! journal ! plan !
- how canI i link PSED to.......
- observation photos
- Group planning
- planing grrrr
- short term medium term or long term
- stooopid question
- Different countries theme
- Obs Booklet in nurseries
- help with making cakes
- growing cress- areas of learning?
- Observation -- 7 month old
- Planning Advice
- ofsted and themes
- Planning for my mindee
- planning sheets can you help
- Rare breeds farm
- My first planning sheet!!!
- Stuck on one area of planning
- Help me link this obsvtn please
- Polictical Correctness
- First Observation
- help with planning
- Help-Minds gone blank re planning
- At What Age do I Introduce Multi-Cultural Themes
- longterm planning help
- Help me please
- Really sorry to have to ask another obs q!
- Been doing obs and next steps for 2 hrs now
- A bit confused with full obs or post its or notes
- I can't find....
- nearly there with first obs just need alittle bit more help
- individual planning help needed
- Help with PSRN planning please!
- Observations/planning/linking
- Activity planning sheets
- Help!
- All about me planning ideas
- Planning
- Planning using EYFS Development Stages
- Next Steps
- Planning/Activitie Ideas
- Help with 1st observation pleeaassee !!
- need another pair of eyes
- After school children
- Help Please...? Just seen forum heading x
- Is this too much?
- Help with Planning...Dolls and Princess...
- Recommendations for EYFS Obs & Planning books
- How do you organise your paperwork?
- Basic Outline of planning - help please
- ideas please
- Observation
- do you make pictures on each obs
- Observation,Planning and assessment forms
- Obs help please
- Is there a right or wrong way
- all about me planning
- EYFS for School age child.
- Please help me before I go mad!!!!
- Help please- which area ?
- Observations.
- Help!!!!!
- Planned Observation Sheet?
- Handwritten or typed??
- feeling a bit sad and a bit overwhelmed!
- Individual planning, again.!
- Planning for a 10 month old
- Can I use daily diary as my observations?
- How much planning for 2 yrs and under?
- Before school only children
- What area does this fall into ?
- obs question sorry
- which ob can I do with this?
- having a mental block!!!
- Water Play - does this fall under a particular schema?
- How to word this possibly negative obs and next step
- I'm up till silly o'clock with planning on the brain!
- Circles in the EYFS
- Planning
- Obs & EYFS
- Is this the right way?
- Planning
- Help to link this day out.
- best way to do obs without photos
- 1st observation
- Vegetables
- treasure sacks
- not sure on my 1st observation
- Long Term Planning ???????
- Summary observations - do we need to do them?
- I have brain block! Is there a name for this?
- Short Term Planning
- Planning Bonfire Night for a 2 year old
- I'm a bit confused about EYFS/planning
- Next Steps
- Topic webs
- Every child matters
- Re: child minded part time
- planning help needed PLS
- Planning for under 3's
- checklist observations - help please!
- Stuck
- 4 year old starting Friday
- Anyone not do written planning?
- obs help please
- help! another qu... please
- Role play
- the cheek of her
- Is this ok for observation???
- Learning and Development
- do you use a theme
- my first observation - seems to easy to be right though...
- speaking french observation
- Obs on using the PC question
- Happy Bunny - Planning
- Planning for Children In Need
- Creative development query
- I just cant fit it all in!
- Planning have I got it right
- interested in Keys !
- Multicultural Celebrations
- Planning advice please?
- Planning help please
- Bromley obs and planning??
- EYFS planning ideas
- How many obs is enough?
- Please can you help me with planning!
- Monthly/Weekly planning
- Can you help me link learning my name...
- Is this ok?! First real observation.
- can you just check my ob please??
- Lining things up
- Is this right???
- Individual Planning
- Sticky Notes
- Evaluation
- planning ideas please
- Photographs
- Templates
- Look, Listen & Learn
- What could this be???
- I need to simplify my planning
- Dinosaurs
- observations... how many?
- Wondering?????
- 5 Year old Obs
- Planning
- Observations
- How do you relate planning to the EYFS?
- Help please!
- Planning advice
- how many obs do we really have to do???
- Linking Sensory Activity (Smell) to EYFS