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  1. Scottish Inspection Grading System
  2. Pre-reg Inspection
  3. Advice from Childminders in Scotland
  4. still waiting for the care commision
  5. For The Attention of all you Scottish Childminders
  6. Scottish lot please... starting school/numbers Q
  7. My Eform - suggestions welcome! (scottish)
  8. scottish childminders - paperwork
  9. Care Commission Q & A
  10. scottish childminders-what all paperwork do i need??
  11. First Grading Inspection with CC
  12. Report backlog?
  13. Scotland, Childminders and the Care Commission - new e-book!
  14. Infection Control Policy
  15. Scottish Minders
  16. Swine Flu guidnace for Scottish CMs
  17. So what is replacing the Care Commission??
  18. risk assessments
  19. Happy St Andrew's Day!
  20. Just started thinking about childminding and worried already!
  21. SCMA - quick Q please
  22. annual return - should I panic?
  23. annual return
  24. Scotland... do any of you know...
  25. Completeing application and getting stressed!
  26. How long from application to receiving registration?
  27. Changes In The Household
  28. planning and obs
  29. scottish e book
  30. Thank you Sarah!
  31. scheme of excellence - nvq's etc
  32. inspections
  33. Annual returns - a reminder!
  34. Getting all confused! Fire risk assessment?
  35. medical checks
  36. Just Starting Out...Introducing myself and looking for help please x
  37. Inspection
  38. Oh Damn!
  39. Pre-reg and smoke alarms
  40. Scottish girls - where to advertise?
  41. Scheme of Excellence
  42. Please Please Help!!!
  43. scottish minders how many children
  44. Scotland ... year of safety
  45. scottish minders help
  46. numbers??
  47. Fire safety officer visit?
  48. Advice from childminders in Scone, Perthsire
  49. c02 alarms
  50. Update form SCMA vision review meeting last weekend
  51. Where do I start? Plz help
  52. OH NO EFORM in 1 WEEK !!!!
  53. Had enough and im only on question 1!!!!
  54. Policies and Procedures - Scotland
  55. inspection focus area
  56. Resource lists
  57. How do I find a participation policy for Scotland?
  58. Advice needed please!!!!
  59. Why some `childminders` do not register themselves?
  60. SSSC
  61. sharing self assessment with parents??
  62. Inspection on thursday, advise needed!!!!!!
  63. 1st graded inspection over!!!!!!
  64. my application form
  65. How long?
  66. I got the call! What next?
  67. Inspection recommendations!!
  68. cleaning!
  69. whats the difference between a policy and a statement?
  70. CC :-(
  71. What next??
  72. kiddie questionaires
  73. Pre-reg visit?? :S
  74. new and overwhelmed
  75. evaluating service
  76. area of focus for 2010???
  77. 1st inspection of moet in hand :)
  78. 1st question!! P & Ps in Scotland
  79. Statement from your Bank
  80. care commission visit - HELP!!
  81. paperwork?!
  82. New Application Form
  83. Disclosure scheme to be replaced
  84. Inspection On Monday ( Scotland) Newbie
  85. :) just about there
  86. Newbie - need all the help i can get!!!!
  87. Parent please help
  88. how long will she be here?
  89. cots? naps? etc
  90. identity check
  91. Self Assessment !!!!!
  92. looking into it but soo confused!
  93. What would I need to do?
  94. First Aid
  95. New and fed up
  96. Filling out e-forms
  97. Reviewing Contracts
  98. Newbie in some serious need of guidance!
  99. Desparately in Need of Inspection Advise
  100. tips from my inspection
  101. Curriculum for Excellence
  102. Fees For Before School Only
  103. Euqipment and toys questions
  104. new scottish childminders?
  105. 2nd care commission visit
  106. Exactly What?
  107. new and not sure
  108. Inspections
  109. CC Variation???
  110. stuck !!!!!!!!!!
  111. Nearly finished my form..
  112. Pre-reg work
  113. im new!!!!!
  114. Happy St Andrew's Day!
  115. yyyyyeeehhh!!!
  116. Changing password on SCMA website?
  117. 1ST Phone call - What Should I Charge ?
  118. i'm in England but my sister is in Scotland
  119. Complaints Procedure Scotland
  120. Refused Registration?
  121. Arghhh it's FINALLY here!!!
  122. Daily Diaries
  123. finally registered
  124. Great Forum - Wonderful members!
  125. Anybody filled in the new Scottish application forms?
  126. Home study
  127. parent questionaire - Scotland
  128. For those who use daily diaries
  129. First inspection an no mindees yet
  130. planning
  131. 1st inspection - how long?
  132. SCSWIS -
  133. Home set up/ numbers/ partners etc
  134. SAF (Scotland) Last minute and really need help!!!
  135. Help with Planning
  136. Anyone had a recent inspection?
  137. new to forum - starting out
  138. Inspection
  139. 1st inspection
  140. Does any know how to access E-forms
  141. Edinburgh C/M needing emergency contact
  142. Does any CM in Scotland follow Early Years?
  143. Admissions Policy
  144. Possible complaint
  145. Help with part 5!! - Scottish Application Form
  146. help
  147. Contact with SCSWIS
  148. Children's Participation Policy
  149. self assessment 1.5 please help!!!
  150. Part 5, statement 7 - SSSC code of practice
  151. Who do I chase about my certificate?
  152. What happens now?
  153. Help need!!!! Pre- reg
  154. What information to get from new parents?
  155. Parent Packs
  156. pre-inspection visit....what have I forgotten????
  157. need help please
  158. Pre-reg Forms SCSWIS
  159. minding family members
  160. Child proofing! SCSWIS Style!
  161. How long?
  162. What a great week.
  163. Just wondered
  164. Worried - Help!
  165. Child Plan (Scotland)
  166. Deposits / Retainer Fee
  167. Self assessment?
  168. Disclosures
  169. Annual return-FYI
  171. scswis form filling
  172. smoke alarms
  173. Introduction and silly simple questions!
  174. Registering as food premises?
  175. SEF - Areas of improvement
  176. Total novice needing some help!!
  177. Glasgow, Scotland or surrounding areas FIRST AID
  178. First Self Assessment
  179. RECORDS
  180. Just submitted my first self assement
  181. Just had the call!
  182. Pre registration jitters
  183. About To Register As A Childminder - Concerns
  184. Aaaaah home visit
  185. New CM
  186. tax credits if self employed?!
  187. SCSWS Application Form
  188. Last few questions before sending application form off!
  189. Which ones are important?
  190. What now?
  191. Got a letter
  192. PVG Checks - Scotland
  193. Development Worker birmingham
  194. Inspection Care Inspectorate Scotland
  195. First Inspection.....done!
  196. Mains Powered Smoke Alarms - Scotland!
  197. SCSWIS website confusion
  198. newbies
  199. Which PVG
  200. First aid before registration?
  201. child protection course
  202. SCMA Induction training - Edinburgh
  203. Got the pre-reg visit booked in!!
  204. returning/starting childminding after birth
  205. Please help-what is a personal plan? Scottish enquiry.
  206. Question 15
  207. What do they look for
  208. inspection
  209. Faecal Spores?
  210. I am Registered !!!
  211. pre reg inspection what paperwork do I need
  212. Registering as a childminder
  213. To all our Scottish forum members!
  214. Self assessment
  215. Annual return - SCSWIS
  216. annual return
  217. Inspection in Scotland - any recent news?
  218. What do I need to have in place?
  219. first inspection
  220. Sicknesses
  221. Nursery or play group
  222. After schoolers
  223. inspection
  224. Food hygiene information scheme
  225. Pre-Reg Visit But I Dont think im ready!!
  226. Contract
  227. Pre-reg visit tomorrow :-0
  228. SCMA training
  229. Care plans for school kids
  230. Self assessment for care inspectorate
  231. First inspection done!!
  232. What can I do in preparation to speed up registration process please? Thanks.
  233. Giving notice
  234. Bit!!!
  235. Policies and Procedures
  236. First proper Inspection!
  237. Out of intrest
  238. Rates that childminder charge???
  239. Starting Out
  240. Inspection tomorrow
  241. Birth to three years
  243. Appealing inspection grade
  244. Contact inspector or not?
  245. Query over napping arrangements
  246. Parents new start questionnaire
  247. Permission form for extended day trips?
  248. Personal Care Plans - SCOTLAND
  249. Did your mortgage lender have to give you persmission to childmind? Me again!!
  250. Policy to include, Dignity, Privacy, Choice etc

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