
Yaaaay For the little people

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Received confirmation from the DofE that :
that the local authority will no longer be placing additional conditions on childminders judged ‘good’ or ‘outstanding’ in order for them to receive funding to deliver early education places.

Is this a definite win for the little person? Well, I hope so, provided of course the council don't sneak something else in due to my lack of knowledge lol

Would like to thank AgentTink and Sarah Neville for their help and support behind the scenes

I wasn't particularly interested in claiming funding, as it is less than my hourly rate, however, since starting this journey, I now have 3 little ones and parents have stated that they don't want their children to leave me so they can claim the 15 hours, but financially, they may not have a choice. This turnaround means these little people can continue with me until they're 'big enough' to attend larger settings, which was exactly what I wanted from the outset - parental choice and my own future viability

Updated 24-12-2014 at 06:18 AM by Kiddleywinks

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