Sick of repeating myself now!
, 08-11-2014 at 07:37 AM (8612 Views)
It's getting boring.
Going round and round with the LA, going round and round with the DofE!
Response from the DofE was practically a duplicate of the other responses, quoting the legislation (which I already know hence why I'm contacting you!), enclosing links to documents I already have, and thanking me for my time in contacting the DofE and hope I find the answer useful!
Well quite frankly, I don't!
Someone must speed read the messages, pick out certain words and phrases and just reply to that, because they obviously didn't pick up the question I actually asked as it remains unanswered.
So I have sent a smaller more direct question, literally referring them to my previous reference no's and asking them one question!
Another 4 week wait!
I swear between the LA and the DofE............! Grrrrr