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  2. A couple on interesting articles regarding de-regulation
  3. Campaign against deregulation
  4. Petition
  5. Petition - Stop Deregulation!!
  6. Petition: Campaign Leaflet
  7. Anyone been approached by the media?
  8. Petition... Email to parents... Email to other childminders
  9. More depressing news hitting my inbox
  10. LInk to ET's report on deregulation
  11. Replies to my questions re 2 year olds in school provission
  12. More lobbying for the anti-deregulation campaign
  13. EYFS Forum - Deregulation views
  14. MP replies
  15. Unison union - potential help....
  16. supportive companies / organisations / competitors etc
  17. If you support deregulation...
  18. Another 'good Idea' from the government
  19. So close to 5000
  20. PLA support for us
  21. Big Announcement?
  23. NCMA Position
  24. 6000 !!!
  25. The Individual Inspection Matters Campaign Online Survey closes at midnight on Sunday
  26. Article Can De-Reg Help Britain?
  27. Great article to read!
  28. Just came across this Facebook group "Say NO to the deregulation of childminders"
  29. 6500!
  30. My latest letter to MS Truss
  31. email from the Education Secretary (rather his minion)
  32. Other noise Donkey has been making
  33. WOW a quick reply from MS Truss to letter 4
  34. My response to Ms Truss response today
  35. MP Diane Abbott - a powerful ally to the campaign
  36. 7000 signatures on petition
  37. ET transcript on affordable childcare
  38. Interesting email...
  39. reply from Richard House
  40. Richard House will redraft his letter
  41. Look at the reply I got today !!
  42. Take a look at this - government taking notice
  43. Is there a sample "letter to MP" please?
  44. Richard House re drafted letter
  45. Facebook onslaught of petition!
  46. 8000!!!
  47. Lets all work together and reach 9000 signatures
  48. letter from ofsted
  49. Michael Gove finally speaks!
  50. Childcare costs and ratios
  51. News today
  52. Need for extended hours?
  53. Excited - a letter from the Prime Minster
  54. Gosh - A response from Daybreak
  55. Open Letter to MP's
  56. Might be helpful if have MP visiting
  57. Results of the Netmums/NCMA survey
  58. Updated notes to support visits with MPs
  59. Met with local MP this morning
  60. A response from the Labour Party
  61. News about de-regulation
  62. Oxford Childminders
  63. Deregulation article help
  64. 9006!
  65. letter from sarah teather
  66. Juggler, Rickysmith and others meeting in London
  67. Gov call for views on childcare. Anyone else seen this?
  68. More deregulation news
  69. On my soapbox again!
  70. Moving from Childminding to opening a nursery
  71. Silly question
  72. A Tad annoyed
  73. Just told an Ofsted Inspector about petition
  74. What are the parts of regulation that you want to keep
  75. I have just received this reply from MP and Sarah Teather
  76. Govt call for evidence - childcare costs
  77. Deregulation Petition CLosed
  78. Article
  79. *IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ* Nationwide meetings for CMs re proposed deregulation
  80. Angry and really, really disappointed
  81. I have heard it all now...
  82. Centre for social justice report
  83. letter from liz truss
  84. New group lobbying govt - PRO regulation
  85. Bit confused...
  86. A article from Elizabeth Truss in the Telegraph
  87. If you signed the peition please **LOOK**
  88. Another article against de-reg
  89. Elizabeth Truss...
  90. Meeting the Minister!
  91. New plans by education minister Elizabeth Truss double numbers?
  92. Possibility of increasing ratios
  93. Petition to leave our early years ratios alone!
  94. Leaflet designer wanted!
  95. The petition doesn't make sense
  96. Petition news - day 1
  97. Nursery articles about interview with E Truss
  98. Liz truss on BBC news right now
  99. Radio programme
  101. NCMA response
  102. E Truss full report
  103. Guardian article about is childcare expensive and will reforms change anything
  104. So guys... what next?
  105. SARAH707 have you seen 50 signatures away from 10,000
  106. Question about Etruss's "THE BIG CHANGE"
  107. The agency theory
  108. Government consultation on 'more great chilcare
  109. Sadly it begins
  110. An interesting link
  111. Good article
  112. Ratios
  113. Why Govt plans will cost more
  114. Here is another article...much better written
  115. More comment from early years providers about the proposed Truss plans...
  116. Guradian article about whether or not E Truss has tried to look after 6 children.....
  117. Truss report now making more sense than ever!
  118. Another problem with all this talk of ratios
  119. More Great Childcare - summary of the key points
  120. Support for childminders from Penny Leach
  121. Another article - childcare plan will lead to tears before bedtime
  122. Congratulations petition organisers
  123. Childminders and agencies - some thoughts
  124. Info for parents
  125. Raising outcomes for children
  126. Leaflet for parents / other settings / childminders etc
  127. Childminders 'lag behind' - comments please!
  128. Children and Families Bill
  129. Why agencies will be good for us...
  130. Petition against childminders charging for bank holidays!!
  131. Schools to be agency
  132. Ms Truss and Live Web Chat
  133. GCSE requirements
  134. Email or write a letter! Make your feelings known
  136. Liz Truss on Mumsnet at 1.00 pm for live webchat
  138. Write to a Labour MP
  139. NCMA consulted by Ms Truss??
  140. Any one see the news about Mr Gove backing down over GCSEs
  141. this is what an agency is....
  142. From the DFE - What are childminding agencies?
  143. Parents angry over childcare plan
  144. Have you all asked you dos, early years team to share the petition.
  146. I AM FAMOUS!!!!
  147. Petition
  148. Letter writing - more ideas!
  149. Agency approach in netherlands
  150. Interesting article
  151. The most important early years MPs / shadow MPs
  152. Collating Evidence to Support our cause
  153. Nursery world - Was messaged this today
  155. Kate Green MP
  156. Childminding Forum responds to the 'More Great Childcare' Plan
  157. just read this on fb and this is why we must fight the more great childcare
  158. just received an invitation to meet Elizabeth Truss
  159. Can be self-employed or employed under agency model
  160. Who will speak for the child? Community Playthings
  161. Over 22,100 people...
  162. NCB call to childminders to help them form agency policy
  163. Agency Poll
  164. Feeback wanted on children & Families Bill
  165. Truss is still not listening!!
  166. Write to Ofsted!
  167. Write to the small business minister / shadow
  168. My letter to Truss and other MP's
  169. Agencies - government want our views
  170. Another consultation - closed
  171. Sharing info about the campaign...
  173. Proof read my letter please
  174. Views about agencies shared with Govt
  175. Letter to Huffington Post
  176. Anyone in Central Manchester?
  177. Quick questionnaire
  178. Employed and self-employed childminders in Finland
  179. I'm going to start an agency
  180. A parents' view of the Truss plans
  181. Results of survey...
  182. NCB do NOT support the Govt's plans
  183. Another agency poll
  184. Do you Tweet? New campaign - childminders reject agencies!!
  185. Childminding agencies
  186. Truss defiant as childcare plans are blasted
  187. This blog made me laugh...
  188. Update for non-Tweeties
  189. Who did ET ask?
  190. Thank you letters
  191. Magazine coverage
  192. What is a consultation?
  193. Sharon Hodgson MP
  194. Tribal - Inspection cost
  195. Osfted views in Nursery World Mag
  196. Well done Sarah
  197. 2nd reading
  198. Thank you Sarah, Richard and everyone else campaigning!!!
  199. Children and Families Bill passed 2nd reading, committee stage now
  200. 2nd Reading Transcript that relates to Childcare
  201. Deregulation
  202. Pre-Consultation Event Bolton‏
  203. Yey reply from local MP
  204. We are up against some nonsense :(
  205. Agency petition
  207. Response re my email to Ms Truss
  208. More anti agency arguments
  209. We can still give our views
  210. Parenta survey
  211. BBC childcare ratio's report
  212. Petition against agencies
  213. BBC report about ratios - asking for comments - add yours!
  214. So it begins!
  215. Invite to meet local mp
  216. Reply 'from' Liz Truss
  218. Labour response to 'More Great Childcare'
  219. committee stage of families bill
  220. Have your say on the Children and Families Bill!!
  221. Today in Parliament
  222. Transcript from Childrens and Families Bill Committee Meeting 7/3/13
  223. NCMA written evidence submitted to the Childcare and Families Bill Committee
  224. List of MP's on the Committee for the Children and Families Bill
  225. The first agency pilot has appeared!
  226. Unison
  227. committee stage of families bill
  228. Help with reply to letter from DFE about agencies
  229. Agency model
  230. Another ratio petition
  231. what parliment is discussing and when
  232. interesting article in nursery world
  233. Forum petition against ratios changes
  234. Campaign against ratios changes - more support
  235. Independent Childminders Social Enterprise
  236. Passing the message on locally
  237. Response from DfE to questions about agencies
  238. Parents to get 20% Childcare Costs
  239. Cathy Nutbrown response to MGC
  240. Childminder might be on radio.
  241. Shaking the foundations ...
  242. Review of Childminder Agency event with DfE (12 March)...a must read
  243. Cathy Nutbrown speaks out against plans to increase ratios
  244. EYPS vs QTS
  245. Busy Bees was cited by the DfE as an endorser of its plans has changed its stance
  246. Feeling very insulted today...
  247. More re Cathy Nutbrown's comments
  248. Dutch model Truss used to plan our agencies...
  249. Nearly a year ago...
  250. Another consultation - how to get rid of local authority support for childminders etc

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