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  1. Clarifications for 'independent' childminders
  2. Do you want to remain 'independent'? on
  3. Welcome to your new section of the forum!
  4. Let Govt know that you want info about independence
  5. Finding out more about what it will mean to stay independent
  6. NEW website to support independent childminders
  7. Independence & New Guidelines
  8. Local databases of CMs
  9. Contracts for Independent Childminders
  10. What do we call ourselves?
  11. Improving web / search engine hits
  12. Tell us what you want on Website!
  13. Agency FAQs
  14. New pinned threads popping up
  15. Is Childminding right for me?
  16. New adult moving in
  17. Thinking of becoming childminder
  18. Independent Childminders and training
  19. For Simona
  20. pacey name badges
  21. Helping new primary school starters settle...
  22. Childminders and agencies - the story so far...
  23. A little rant from an increasingly fed up independent childminder
  24. Supporting all
  25. northamptonshire childminders?
  26. Best links for parent info
  27. New childminder
  28. Posters and Literature to share about Saying No to Agencies
  29. New independent childminders blog
  30. Independent childminders info and guidance
  31. Concerns over future level of funding for 2 year olds
  32. Wider reforms scrutinised after ratio Uturn
  33. Sharon Hodgson questions Truss on those interested in agencies
  34. DfE 2 year old case study report...please read
  35. Ofsted inspections threaten the 2 year old offer
  36. DfE interested in engaging with nurseries on costs...
  37. 'Unseen children' Wilshaw speech and pLA response (20 June)
  38. Labour looks at employers for childcare
  39. Wilshaw wants review of EY assessmnet
  40. Truss speech at NDNA conference ...please read
  41. Ofsted latest inspection statistics (Jan-March 13)...and PLA response
  42. UKCMA...that elusive meeting with govt??
  43. C&F Bill debate.... Pacey evidence live (26 June)
  44. Spending Review 2015
  45. Early Childhood Action: an interesting conference
  46. LAs becoming agencies?
  47. PLA challenge Ofsted over inspections
  48. UKCMA feedback on their meeting with Lord Storey
  49. LA's own Networks and agencies
  50. A week of meetings and action
  51. Meeting with children centre
  52. Govt sidelining development matters
  53. 2 year old funding in the news
  54. Membership & insurance options
  55. Ofsted new guidance on Childcare Register (1 July)
  56. Latest from @HomeChildcare
  57. Advice on starting
  58. PLA press release on agencies ...please read (3 july)
  59. PLA responds to Wilshaw about changes in EY assessment
  60. PLA have requested information under the FoI regarding the CCommission
  61. Agencies debate by the House of Lords (2 July)
  62. PLA criticise plans to pass cms agencies costs to parents (3 July)
  63. Forming an Independent Network
  64. Ofsted: strong leadership is key to being ready for school
  65. Parents could be charged to use an agency
  66. Nurseries adopt 'no kissing' policy
  67. Parliamentary questions on agencies...please read
  68. Parents left in limbo by childminding blunder
  69. Independent childminders and business management
  70. Graham Stuart of education select committee
  71. Advertising leaflet for independent cms!
  72. Should nursery children be formally tested? Vote now
  73. IPPR survey: cms overwhelmingly against agencies
  74. IPPR: should Clegg take another stand?
  75. Letter from Truss to the LAs
  76. Childcare Commission...they search it here ..they search it there!
  77. Childcare qualifications overhaul
  78. Calling Childminders!
  79. Gove primary curriculum abolishes chldhood
  80. Under 5s need more time to play...
  81. Govt ignores call to have more focus on play in new Qualifications
  82. Gove scraps right for 4 year olds to be in full time education
  83. Family and Childcare Trust Holiday care survey
  84. Home Childcarer reports on the conference on the future of EY
  85. New Before and after school care plans expected
  86. DfE survey on parents' views on childcare
  87. more affordable childcare?!
  88. DfE new consultation on 'Regulation of Childcare'
  89. Schools to offer sleepover to help parents
  90. Oh no
  91. 'The cost of childcare' by Prof Penn and Prof Lloyd is finally published
  92. PLA broadly welcome More affordable childcare
  93. More reaction to More affordable childcare
  94. Will Truss replace Gove?
  95. Parents forced to double spend on teachers' gifts
  96. DfE Guidance for LAs is published
  97. Should childcare be provided in schools
  98. Voice The Union respond to More Affordable Childcare
  99. Important message about 2,3 and 4 year old funding
  100. Let the Govt know what you think about childminder agencies
  101. LATEST update on funding for 2, 3 and 4 year olds (23 July)
  102. PLA raises questions on numbers interested in cms agencies
  103. Gove end of term report by Stephen Twigg
  104. More Affordable Childcare...don't think so!!
  105. DfE: Evidence to inform the Childcare Commission
  106. Parents believe ratios in graduate led settings are too high
  107. Survey: what does 'school ready' mean to teachers?
  108. Northamptonshire Childminders - reply from council re: funding
  109. Accreditation for cms: what does it mean?
  110. Nurseries get legal help for inspections complaints
  111. In support of cms: You are not alone!
  112. PLA free training for members
  113. Professionals reject DfE plans to simplify staff management
  114. Peer to peer programme boosts EY practice
  115. This article is shocking...
  116. Ofsted, new culture of fear...good blog
  117. Childminder defies the nappy curriculum
  118. Another consultation: schools and EY finances
  119. Baby boom will see massive shortage of 'free childcare' places
  120. Ofsted responds to Good Provision for all consultation
  121. Building the case for 'universal childcare'
  122. Ofsted announces tougher inspections for EY
  123. PLA responds to 'tougher inspections'
  124. Nearly 100 organizations show interest in agencies
  125. PLA concerned about unfairness of Ofsted inspections
  126. Truss' letter to LAs about 2 year old funding
  127. IMPORTANT: Guidance for inspectors of EY settings
  128. Would you be put off by a young childminder?
  129. New tax free childcare: another small Uturn?
  130. @HomeChildcare: feedback from their cms event
  131. PLA responds to govt 'tax free childcare'
  132. June's blog on current Ofsted strategy
  133. @home childcare releases costs on website to get their on-going support
  134. Registration visit !!
  135. Should mothers work or stay at home? by Polly Toynbee
  136. Neil Leitch PLA CEO argues against agencies
  137. @Home Childcare additional clarification on costs to cms
  138. A chance to listen to Truss
  139. Clegg is calling for nurseries to open longer hours
  140. NDNA meets Ofsted over inspection concerns
  141. Pilot Agency
  142. IPPR report: Ofsted are making poor childcare jugments
  143. 2,3 & 4 year old funding
  144. Inspections triggered by complaints or safeguarding issues
  145. PLI: is your LA asking for a higher level of cover?
  146. IPPR report backs inspection concerns
  147. Dear Mr Clegg...
  148. Ministers demand action to overturn nursery 'cuddle ban'
  149. Nurseries take concerns over inspections to Ofsted
  150. Truss: Shaping More Affordable Childcare (Nursery World)
  151. funded early years places
  152. Is your LA still imposing conditions to draw funding? DfE response here
  153. Consultation: Greater flexibility for change of use
  154. Should Pacey or PLA seek to meet with Ofsted over inspections?
  155. Summary of the response to the consultation on LAs
  156. Are the Lib Dem in favour of agencies?
  157. #Ofsted big conversation
  158. Facebook
  159. What information should a contract have?
  160. @Home Childcare answers a question from CMs
  161. What should be done about rising childcare costs?
  162. Important for all cms: Ofsted new culture of fear and why it is dangerous
  163. PLA requests Ofsted data on inspection outcomes
  164. A reply from the Dept of Ed.
  165. Ha Ha typical!!
  166. Getting... and staying organised... tips for independent childminders
  167. HELP: Are you now able to access funding for 2,3 and 4 year olds?
  168. Wrap around care trials: message from NDNA
  169. Pacey: agencies..a flawed model on cost and quality
  170. Nursery World editor: stand firm against agencies
  171. petition: Gove urged to introduce signing in settings
  172. Will EY get a new Minister?
  173. Birmingham Serious Case Review: poor management.. LA and Ofsted fail
  174. Taking childminder concerns to Ofsted
  175. EYFS to be reviewed
  176. Help us to help you...
  177. 2 Sept 2013: is this a new chapter in childminding history?
  178. Press release by Nick Clegg
  179. Responce from DfE from my letter regarding issues with Funding
  180. "Independant" on new contracts?
  181. @Home Childcare explain what 'blended' childcare is all about
  182. Childcare can help drive the economy... agree BUT
  183. Children 'already 2 years behind at start of school'
  184. September is here!
  185. 4 Children Sue Robb talks about agencies...please read
  186. Ofsted inspection feedback
  187. DfE reply...and it is not a standard letter
  188. LAs contract to draw funding
  189. PLA raises concerns over downgrading of CCentres
  190. Enterprise Rockers...for independent childminders
  191. NEYTCO...a new organisation
  192. London conference
  193. LAs and pilot agencies
  194. PLA slams Ofsted over Children Centres inspections
  195. NWorld: letters to the editor...Truss writes on agencies
  196. DfE new DM Non statutory guidance for inspectors and providers
  197. New plans could make it easier to buy nursery premises
  198. June O'Sullivan is tired of govt 'slagging off nurseries'....please read
  199. need advice on holidays
  200. Providers warn they cannot sudsidise Clegg's childcare plans
  201. Exclusive: put your questions directly to E Truss via NWorld
  202. @Home Childcare...their costs
  203. Need advice on how to speak o parent about unruly child
  205. The govt should stop intervening in early education (The Telegraph)
  206. Petition to the DfE: Stop inappropriate policy in EY
  207. New EY groups unites over later school start
  208. E Truss: if we care about poorest children, education must start early
  209. Reply from department of education about hourly rate paid for funded places......
  210. E Truss on Newsnight tonight
  211. Please help. Struggling with knowing whay to do
  212. United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
  213. Parliamentary questions to E Truss (Sept)
  214. Why is Ofsted lashing out against primary schools?
  215. Are they breaking the law
  216. Need constitition for bank account
  217. Change the law to protect vulnerable children...please read and sign
  218. Clegg calls for an extension to the Free Entitlement
  219. Childhood and education: theorists
  220. Should the Pupil Premium be extended to EY settings?
  221. childminder agency trial
  222. How can we help you to stay independent?
  223. New Level 5 qualification for cms
  224. Student starting help!
  225. 'OFSTED Reigistered Independent Childminders' group on Linkedin
  227. List of companies involved in trials of childminder agencies released
  228. business account yay or nay?
  229. Ofsted complaint letter ratios
  230. AGENCIES: House of Lords debate
  231. Online registration for childcare providers
  232. Are you on Twitter? Join #EYTalking on Tuesdays
  233. AGENCIES....latest updates
  234. Making a difference between home and business.
  235. Mental health in young children
  236. Childminders should be wary of agencies...
  237. Hello everyone, and please help!!! :-)
  238. Reshuffle - will Truss be moved?!
  239. Nursery World Article - DfE gets tough on childminder funding
  240. Ministerial reshuffle under way!!!
  241. House of Lords opposing childminder agency plans as they stand currently
  242. Toddlers brain scan gives langauge insight
  243. New Ofsted inspection framework effective Nov 2013
  244. E Truss answers questions in Nursery World
  245. 3 in 10 settings downgraded following 'complaint triggered' inspections
  246. PLA urges govt to address EY sector level of 'anger and discontent'
  247. Outcomes are the 'focus' for the new inspection framework
  248. CMs agency website!!!
  249. New Shadow minister fo EY and childcare
  250. We don't want our son to cope, we want him to thrive..

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