My 9 month old kitten got hit by a car ...
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  1. #1
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    Default My 9 month old kitten got hit by a car ...

    My 9 month old kitten has been missing since Friday.

    We have searched everywhere and knocked on doors to ask neighbours if they had seen him but nothing.

    Went into garage at end of street and the owner told us he saw our next door neighbour hit our cat on Friday and then it run off, he said the car did not stop and they where shocked.

    So I asked my neighbour and she said she did not hit the cat and if she had she would of come to tell me.

    I just dont know what to do, my two children are devasted that the cat is missing. We have kept searching and posted leaflets through doors but nothing. We have called enviromental health, RSPCA, local vets but nothing.

    Has anybody had any experience like this? Dont want to give up on the cat but wondering if he has sadly run off and passed away somewhere?

    Any advice appreciated.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: My 9 month old kitten got hit by a car ...

    oh im so sorry hun

    a poor cat died nr my parents home and we didnt know who owned it so put a note in paper shop window and burried it in front garden..

    owners turned up and was very happy that we took care of it and has left a porcilyn cat in the garden

    keep looking and notes in shop windows so sorry xxx

  3. #3
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    Default Re: My 9 month old kitten got hit by a car ...

    sorry no advise but didnt want to read and run. so sorry about your kitten, what an awful situation. Do you know neighbour well? do you think they are telling the truth about not hitting him?

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    Default Re: My 9 month old kitten got hit by a car ...

    Just wanted to say I know what your going through and send hugs. We went through a similiar thing earlier in the year but we had a knock on the door from a nieghbour who said our cat was at the side of a near by road so sadly hubby had to go and collect him. I hope you have a happier ending and some kind person is looking after your kitten x x x x x x
    Pixie Dust

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    Default Re: My 9 month old kitten got hit by a car ...

    so sorry to read this when my 2 were 4 one went missing for a week i looked everywher. then i put a poster up in the road .. got a call that day saying someone had found her in a gap btween their back wall and the entry.. sadly she was dead. it did give me peace though in that i knew what had happened . then a neighbour said she had heard a dogs wild barking an a man shouting saying leave it alone , on the night she went missing .. just saying if your s was injured she may not be far away , this was in the house across the street but they only looked when they read my poster.. hope you have a better outcome .hugs to you xxxx

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    Default Re: My 9 month old kitten got hit by a car ...

    Did they say what direction she ran off in.

    Could you go and search in that area under the bushes and in the undergrowth.

    Or tell the local children who play out that anyone who finds her will get a £20reward.

    Its a horrid feeling not knowing, one of mine went missing for 4 days and i was beside myself
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  7. #7
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    Default Re: My 9 month old kitten got hit by a car ...

    That is awful

    Not only do you not know who to believe you still have the worry about your cat

    I really feel for you

    Think I would offer a small reward too and see if anyone comes forward

    Hope you get some answers

    Hugs to you , you must be really upset

    Angel xx

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    Default Re: My 9 month old kitten got hit by a car ...

    Thats really sad. I hope you find her safe and well but in the event of sounding morbid, though I don't want to, I hope you find her should the worst have happened.

    Hugs xx
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    Default Re: My 9 month old kitten got hit by a car ...

    Put a small poster on every lampost & in the local schools hall for the children to see. A cat went missing in our local area & they put up a poster on almost EVERY lampost for about 6-7 streets. Plus I saw one in the hall of my local school. Im not sure what happened but all the posters cam down a few days later so they must have found it one way or another.

    I understand your concern - Im a cat owner myself.


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    Default Re: My 9 month old kitten got hit by a car ...

    Big hugs to you. I really feel for you as we have cats ourselves and have been in a situation where one of them went missing. Its the not knowing as much as anything isn't it? I really hope that you find your cat safe and well xx
    Love Shivvie

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    Default Re: My 9 month old kitten got hit by a car ...

    my friends cat went missing and turned up, had been locked in a shed by accident.

    good advice already about a reward or lots of poster, ask if people can check garages, sheds, etc

    hopefully u get some answers soon.

    big hugs, I know how upsetting it can be as my rescue cat got hit by a car, the car owner took her to the vet and the vet came round to tell us he couldn't do anything for him. it was so upsetting but at least we knew.

    hope u get some answer soon and he is ok

  12. #12

    Default Re: My 9 month old kitten got hit by a car ...

    Oh no im sorry

    One of our cats used to go missing and would always turn up, sadley he has been missing now for weeks, he used to come home when it got cold but not this time we think he has a new home, the nursing home over the road

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    Default Re: My 9 month old kitten got hit by a car ...

    hope you find him safe and well.

    Posters, door knocking, pestering. We lost a cat May 2001 which someone had put him in a bin even with his coller on, after being knocked over. But its the not knowing (as our other cat went missing 5 months last year came back very poorly but came back)

  14. #14
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    Default Re: My 9 month old kitten got hit by a car ...

    So sorry for you. Had two previous cat run over, current cat has twice gone missing for a few days and like another post she was locked in neighbours garage. It is the not knowing that is the hardest. Sending positive vibes for cats safe return soon.
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  15. #15
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    Default Re: My 9 month old kitten got hit by a car ...

    Oh I'm so sorry. I hope your kitten turns up safe and well x
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    Default Re: My 9 month old kitten got hit by a car ...

    so sorry, hope kitty turns up our cat went missing when he was 11 mths old, he got himself locked in a shed and a neighbour found him kept him didn't think to get him scanned (he's chipped) or read his collar and hadn't read posters, until 3 wks later when she let him out he came home, found out through a lady across the road
    Michelle x:current loss to date - 100lb clapping:

  17. #17
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    Default Re: My 9 month old kitten got hit by a car ...

    Thank you so much for your posts and kind postive thoughts.

    Unfortunately our kitten has still not returned and it has beem over a week

  18. #18
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    Default Re: My 9 month old kitten got hit by a car ...

    Sorry to hear that. Very sad



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