A day late again, but here we are!

Can you believe we're in March already? January seemed to drag by, then February went in a flash.

We've got a lovely day today for the 1st March. It's bright and sunny, although a bit cold. It just makes you feel very springlike and hopeful that warmer weather might be on the way

What's everyone got planned for the week? We're going to make pancakes today, then we're off to try out a new toddler group tomorrow and then the library song session on Thursday. I'm not sure how many children I'll have each day. Another one has come out with chicken pox and another couple have got colds/runny noses - a possible sign they're coming down with it. I have warned all the parents to be on the look out for chicken pox, but one mum was still surprised when I said yesterday that I thought her child had it. The spots turning to blisters were a bit of a giveaway!

Enjoy your weeks everyone