A day late, but better late than never! And I've double checked I've got the right month this time so I'm not confusing everyone

I've got a quiet week this week as we've been hit by chicken pox and the children are taking it in turns to go down with it. It's typical, just last week I was saying to one of the dads that it was the first time in ages that all the children were well at the same time - no coughs, no colds, no snotty noses. An then they start with chicken pox. I shouldn't have said anything!

Did everyone have a lovely valentine's day? Do you do anything special as a couple? DH and I barely acknowledge it I did some craft activities with the children, but that's as far as it goes.

What's everyone got planned for the week? We were going to go for a walk this morning, but it's raining heavily so we'll save that for another time. The children have been playing happily together anyway so it would have seemed a bit of a shame to interrupt their games. Plus one of the children is potty training, without a great deal of success, so we're probably best staying closer to home.

I hope you're all having a good week.