Happy Monday everyone!

Did you all have a good weekend? Our weather was a bit miserable - wet, cold & windy -so we didn't go far from home. It was quite nice having a relaxed couple of days indoors.

Monday is my favourite day of the week. I have a late start and have the best combination of children. The day goes by in a flash and it's always such good fun The only issue I have is with the new starter's sleep, or lack of it! Mum says he sleeps for 2-3 hours at home. Here I'm lucky if he has half an hour. He's a happy little chap and doesn't seem overly tired, but it would be nice if he could stretch his sleep to at least an hour so I get more time on activities with the older ones.

What's everyone got planned for the week? I found some lovely wooden hearts on Amazon, so we're going to be painting them ready for Valentine's Day.

Has anyone got anything planned for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee? I was thinking about it yesterday and thought I might do a theme around the Royal Family so that by the time we get to the main event in June (is it June?), the children have got some idea of what it's all about!

Enjoy your week