Good afternoon Monday
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  1. #1
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    Default Good afternoon Monday

    Has anyone else been working today? It seems everyone I know broke up on Friday.

    I've just had 2 children here today and it's been lovely. We went out for a walk this morning, stopped off at the park for a play and then came home for hot chocolate. By the time we'd had a quick play and lunch, they were shattered so slept for most of the afternoon. They both here for short days on a Monday so I was packed away and sat down nice and early.

    Yesterday was a very successful day for shopping, so I'm pretty confident I'm on top of Christmas now I still need to grab a few bits but I know what I want and where from, so it means I can be in and out of the shops in a flash. Then there's just the food shop to do, but that's in hand.
    Let's just hope we don't end up in lockdown before Christmas day or all my planning will have been in vain!

  2. #2
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    Woo hoo! Well done Mouse!

    I've had a massive tidy up and sort out today for my mum coming to stay ... 'her' room had become a dumping ground!

    Christmas wise, all I need to do is wrap, a last food shop, and some baking!

    Last day of work tomorrow! I've got a few craft things to them to do, and have also put all the odds and ends of Christmas craft sets on a tray for the children to do what they like with! I'm planning a nice walk in the woods to get some fresh air, and maybe park. We'll need an early lunch though, as one is going after lunch, and I fully expect another to be asleep on his feet by lunchtime!

    Have fun xx

  3. #3
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    I am still working Mouse but like you I know a few childminders who finished Friday. I don't finish until Thursday. I think I have finished all my Christmas Christmas shopping just need to finish the wrapping. I haven't had to worry about the Christmas food shop as I am off to my DS1. I have a couple of my mindees who started reception in September back for full days this week so the younger ones are so happy to have them back for longer than just after school.
    Pixie Dust

  4. #4
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    I'm working until Wednesday, but then my children don't break up until Wednesday so it's fine. We've just put the finishing touches on our Christmas crafts and have been listening to some Christmas music. The LO was in bed for a nap by 11.20!

    My Christmas shopping is done. I bought a couple of bits yesterday, including many birthday cards as we have lots of family birthdays at the end pf December and early January! Otherwise all done. My MIL is supposed to be coming up after on 27th for a few days as it's my DD's birthday. We obviously couldn't do much last year, so my DD is counting on her Grandma visiting this year. We don't see them that much since we moved 200 miles away, so we have our fingers crossed so we have our fingers crossed Boris isn't locking us down on 27th!

    I hope you all have a lovely Christmas.

  5. #5
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    Schools broke up here on Friday but I’m working till Wednesday. Only got two tomorrow and they’re going by 3. Then I have a couple of days to make sure I have everything I need. Then no work till 4th January

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