Shh...don't tell anyone...I'm in here hiding from the children!

Today should be a quieter day because some of the usual Thursday children swapped to yesterday so they were here for the Christmas party. I think the ones who are here today are still on a high from the party though as they were bouncing off the walls from the minute they arrived. Luckily my assistant is here today so I've sent her and the children into the garden to do some messy play. I'm watching the children tearing round the garden, totally ignoring the shaving foam and glitter I'm indoors printing out some photos to put on the cards they're making for their parents.

Depending how the morning goes, we'll go for a quick walk to the library before lunch to drop off a card and little present for the staff. They're always really helpful when we go in and when I'm looking for specific books, so I though it would be nice for the children to take them a card and some biscuits.

Then after lunch we'll get the playdough out. That'll hopefully give us a bit of calm in an otherwise loud and busy day

Enjoy your days everyone