Has your weekend started?
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  1. #1
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    Default Has your weekend started?

    It’s almost 6pm. Is anyone still working this late or have you all packed way for the weekend now?

    I’ve had a busy day. I had a lie in this morning, but then went shopping before coming home and doing the pre-Christmas decorating housework! I know that once the tree and decorations are up, parts of the house won’t have another proper clean before they’re taken down again

    DH is getting the tree out of the loft tomorrow. I can’t remember whether it’s already got lights on it or not. I hope it has. I would like a real tree but we really haven’t got anywhere to put one. It would have to stand in front of a radiator so I doubt it would last till Christmas, even if I kept watering it. Also we need a tall, thin tree and a lot of the real ones are too wide for the space. My dream is for a house with a big bay window where I can put a huge real tree

    Have you got nice plans for the weekend? I’m in full Christmas mode for the weekend. I need to sort all the presents and food - well, make list about presents and food at least!

    Still no sign of Maza. I have seen her on the FB page before so I could find her and message her, but that seems a bit stalkerish. If she doesn’t show up soon, I might have to though.

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  3. #2
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    Weekend has started here! My kids have a Christmas movie night at school so it's been pretty quiet!

    My tree went up before the beginning of December but it is an artificial one! I do have a house with big bay windows and yet we still have an artificial one! I guess it feels easier to pull it out of the loft and put it away again than it does to buy one and then dispose of it afterwards! Real ones are lovely though!

    My DD and I will do parkrun in the morning and then I think some wrapping and card writing. And probably some Christmas food planning like you! DD and I are vegetarian so I guess I need to decide what to make. I must make some mince pies too!

    Hope everyone has a lovely weekend.

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  5. #3
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    The weekend starts here at 1pm It makes me so happy to finish early on a Friday now! I try and get all the tidying and housework out of the way Friday afternoon but it doesn't always happen.

    I am having my booster tomorrow so haven't planned anything as not sure how I will react, I wasn't too good after my first but was ok with the second, DH felt rough after his a couple a weeks ago as did my best friend.

    I do need to start wrapping and have to finish my Christmas shopping.

    Mouse - it's definitely unusual for Maza not to be about so hopefully she will be back soon. Maybe you could message her later next week and just say we have been thinking about her and hope everything is ok with her and her family

    Have a great weekend everyone!
    Pixie Dust

  6. #4
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    Evening! ( well, i know it is only 4.30, but it is dark! )

    I finish work about 5.40 on a friday!, and then i am straight out of the door to drop DD at a dance class, and to go to choir!

    Busy day today buzzing about with DD for assorted classes. Home now, and i'm not going out again tonight!

    Mouse, hope you cantrack Maza down. It is unlike her to go missing without saying so. Hope she and her family are ok.




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