It's a chilly Tuesday
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  1. #1
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    Default It's a chilly Tuesday

    The temperature has definitely dropped over the last couple of days and it's turned very cold. I'm going to have to start setting the heating to switch on in the morning before I get up. It was very cold in the bathroom this morning and I didn't want to get out of the shower into the cold air!

    Today is my least relaxed day of the week with the mix of children I have. One of the children who comes today completely changes the dynamic of the group and it's a bit of a challenge for everyone. I have to spend a lot of the time overseeing their play to make sure the day flows nicely and without too much drama. This particular child will be getting their 3 year old funding at Easter and, while I'm usually happy for the children to have all their funded hours here, I really think this child would be much better suited to a bigger setting. It's a shame - they love being here and are so excited when they come, but I think their energy and enthusiasm would be diluted and slightly more manageable in a bigger group.

    I've decided that this week we're finishing our Autumn activities and next week we're going to go into full Christmas mode One of the children is going away before Christmas so I want to get as many of the activities, crafts and our Christmas party done before then. We'll then have the final few days before I break up just chilling doing some last minute bits. What date is everyone breaking up?

    Will anyone be watching the Bake Off final tonight? Despite the slow start, I did end up enjoying it, although I won't miss it when it's finished. This season hasn't particularly inspired me to bake!

    Enjoy your days everyone!

    EDIT: I typed this up before the children arrived and I've just realised I forgot to press send

  2. #2
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    Good afternoon! It's chilly here too. I'm hoping the little one I have comes with some warmer clothes soon. I asked Mum last week but she started a new job today so has probably been preoccupied!

    My DD and I have yet to watch the semi-final of Bake Off, although I did accidentally see who went out! We'd better get on and watch it. She'd love it if Crystelle won - she's been rooting for the women for the last couple of years! I'm quite happy with any of them winning, I like them all.

    I've started a few Christmas bits. We've been singing some Christmas songs. I think I work up until 22nd December. My kids don't break up from school until then so I don't mind. Has anyone got any unusual Christmas craft ideas?

    I'm off to my Gran's funeral tomorrow evening. It's going to be a 6 hour train journey down south and then back again the following evening. I hope the trains are working as they should and I don't get stuck anywhere mid country!

    It's always difficult Mouse when there is a child that doesn't quite work for your group and where it makes it hard work for you. Hopefully you can persuade them towards pre-school. Hope today hasn't been too bad for you.

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    Sorry to hear about your gran Ellisha. I hope the trains behave and that the rest of the day goes smoothly for you.

    I finish on the 17th for Christmas, which is really early, but it is when my DD breaks up. I cannot wait. All of my parents are lovely, but a couple of them are so needy and gently demanding, so it will be so nice to be able to take off my 'people pleaser' hat for a good chunk of time.

    I usually start Christmas crafts in December, but I like your idea Mouse of getting it all done so that you can have a couple of slower days towards the end of term. Today, I had three toddlers elbow deep in paint, having a lovely time and the doorbell rang. Bless the toddlers, they all followed me to the door, but none of them touched anything all the way there and back. We got stuck into our painting again, and the doorbell went for a second time! They were so good again!

    I haven't watched Bake Off at all this time. We did watch I'm a Celebrity last night though. I stopped watching it years ago, but DD really got into it last year and couldn't wait for it to start this year. Someone in it really grates on me though, so I'm already not enjoying it as much.

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    Good evening.

    Ellisha; sorry to hear about your Gran. I hope your journey and days pass safely and peacefully.

    I was due to finish on the 22nd Dec, but one child away and the other is finishing the week before, so I've got an extra day off

    I'm not starting any Christmas stuff until 1st Dec! We have a (usually craft) activity advent calendar after school and that does me! The younger children will do stuff during the day, but I generally have a list, and as long as everyone has made a card and a photo decoration, I'm not bothered about producing 'stuff'! I'll do Christmassy sensory play/playdough etc, and the nativity set is always out, but that's it.

  5. #5
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    Ellisha, sorry to hear about your gran. I hope your train journey goes without any hitches and that the funeral isn't too hard for you.

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    Sorry to hear about your gran Ellisha, hope the train go according to plan.



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