Hopefully you've all finished for the weekend, or at least you're counting down the last few minutes until you're done.

I haven't got up to much today. I had my covid booster last night and have had a pounding headache all day. I've spent the day pottering round to keep busy, but plan to go to bed early and hope it goes after a good night's sleep.

What's everyone got planned for the weekend? DD and I are going to a craft fair tomorrow. The ones I went to last weekend weren't very good so I'm hoping tomorrow's is better. Last week I did see some lovely little felt ornaments that I'm sure I could make, so sometime over the weekend I'm going to get my sewing stuff out and see what I come up with. Even if they're not very good, I'm sure the children will play with them

Enjoy the rest of your evening and get ready to put your feet up for the weekend