How's your day going so far? Thursday is a busy day with all the children here, but my daughter/assistant comes for the day so it's usually good fun.

It's wet and miserable so we've had an indoors morning. We'll aim to get out after lunch, although none of the children seem keen on the idea!

Did anyone attempt to hold a 2 minutes silence at 11 o'clock? I put the CBeebies animation on for the children and although they talked all the way through it, they did notice that the flowers were poppies so that's something. They're only little so I'm happy that they've gained something from us looking at the flowers this week. Around here there are lots of poppies on the lamp posts so we might go for a walk this afternoon to spot them.

Right, that's the pasta cooked so I'm off to get lunch sorted.

Enjoy the rest of your days.