I don't start till late on a Monday, so have got into the habit of setting up in the morning before the children arrive. It works well, unless you oversleep, get up late and are only just rushing down the stairs as the first child arrives Luckily she's a happy little thing so was content to look at books while I got sorted out. By the time the second child arrived everything was chilled and you'd never have know the rushing round I'd been doing shortly beforehand

The rest of the day was much calmer We've started listening to Christmas songs so I'm hoping that by the time we break up in December the children will have a lot to sing!

What have you got planned for the week? Do you do Poppy Day activities? Poppies are some of my favourite flowers so we concentrate on crafts involving them, especially as the children will see them while they're out and about. How much do you emphasise the meaning behind them or behind the day?

What have you got for dinner/tea this evening? Our fridge is looking a bit empty so I'm going to have to hunt through the freezer to see what I can find. I've got fish finger sandwiches in my mind now so I might have to see if there are any in there