Sunny Tuesday!
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Thread: Sunny Tuesday!

  1. #1
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    Default Sunny Tuesday!

    It's freezing cold, but the sun is shining beautifully. I really must learn that even if it looks sunny outside, it doesn't mean it's not cold. I got the children wrapped up warm to go outside, then I went out in a cardigan and flip flops. I was freezing

    We came back in to do a nappy change and the children decided they wanted to stay indoors. They're now playing happily and I'm warming myself up with a hot drink!

    Tonight is my TV night - Holby and Bake Off. After every episode of Holby I moan about how rubbish it is, but I still end up watching it. Does anyone watch Four in a Bed? It's a bit like Come Dine With Me, but for guest houses. It's one of those programmes I love, but think I probably shouldn't

    Are you doing any exciting activities for bonfire night? I remembered I bought some sheets of black, glittery card so we'll use those to make some firework pictures. I know it's not very imaginative, but we always end up with some lovely pictures. No matter how old, or young, the children are, they always end up with something random that could look like fireworks!

    Enjoy your afternoons everyone

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    It is really cold here! We've only been in the garden, and then it was just for a short while because I had random drop off times today due to one thing or another, so we had to be inside to hear the doorbell.

    Today is the first day I have had my flissat table out. Well, I had it out yesterday but just as a regular table with the lid on it. Today I have put dry pasta in it. It has kept my little whirlwind mindee occupied nearly all morning. It also contained it more than my usual set ups. This particular mindee is a 'mouther' though, and so I really have to think carefully about what different resources I can have in it. I won't put sand or water in there because they are for my other trays/bowls.

    I have seen 4 in a bed Mouse, but didn't take to it!

    For Bonfire Night I'm thinking black sugar paper with glitter/sequins. It will probably prove to be quite a stressful activity with my current lot!

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    If you’re cold now what are you going to be like come winter we have done crafts and been over the field playing detectives lovely sunny day.

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    Mouse I don’t know anyone that wears flip flops in November.

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    Flip flops?! Ive been inside wearing a scarf as it's so chilly inside. I had the heating on for an hour this morning but try not to have it on in the day as I have my back door open so the dog can go outside. We've had an indoor day. Only because I've had to wait for a builder to come and look at a leak above our bay window - he said he'd come in the morning but arrived at 12pm! I had a bit of a switch around of toys this week, so I've had the Happyland stuff out. It's always a but hit and miss but my mindee liked playing with it. Mainly putting the people into buckets, carrying them around and moving to different buckets!

    I have watched 4 in a Bed and enjoyed it, but I haven't got a clue when it's on so never watch it! Really looking forward to Bake Off tonight!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonfly View Post
    Mouse I don’t know anyone that wears flip flops in November.
    You do now

    I wear Birkenstocks all year round indoors and often go into the garden or pop to the shops in them without thinking about how cold it might be outside! It’s only when my feet are freezing that I realise I should have put boots on!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ellisha View Post

    I have watched 4 in a Bed and enjoyed it, but I haven't got a clue when it's on so never watch it! Really looking forward to Bake Off tonight!
    I don’t actually know when or where it’s on, but I often find it when I’m randomly flicking channels

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    I'm wearing crocs ... I find my feet get so hot in them!

    We've been out in the woods ... 2 happy children and 2 grumpy!

    That sounds like lots of fun Maza... I am tempted by a flisart table!

    I have black paper and we'll make chalk pictures to firework music/ YouTube displays! We'll also make edible sparklers with breadsticks dipped in choc and sprinkles. Or soft cheese and seeds/herbs.

    I might watch bake off, but I'm a bit bored this year. I've watched the 4 in the bed before .... it's definitely one of those I can't stop watching ( in horror ) once started! Come dine with me is the same

  12. #9
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    It has been sunny here but cold, Elisha I do the same I often wear my scarf indoors all day. We only have the heating on first thing too then try and keep it off most of the day.

    My little one who wasn't having lunch with us is now eating at lunch time, I don't know what's worst trying to feed the two babies at once or having a non eater distracting the others while they are having linch I do try and do some finger foods too so they can feed themselves, the 1 year old is pretty independent but is a sibling where the 18 month old has everything done for them, they will not hold their own bottle.

    Tuesday night is my TV night too....Mouse I say the same thing about Holby every week !

    I am hoping to do some firework pictures if I can get some back paper, I have had a pack in the cupboard that has lasted a few years now as we hardly ever use it but obviously used it all up and I had forgotten as its all gone now.
    Pixie Dust

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    Pixie dust that made me laugh! I also have some black card that only really gets used this time of year. I went to get some of it yesterday and thought it had all gone. I found it but there's hardly any left.

  14. #11
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    Same here ...
    Except, when I got my Halloween box down from the loft ... I had put 2 packets of black card in it ... so I was saved! I've made a note to buy some more!

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