Happy Thursday!
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Thread: Happy Thursday!

  1. #1
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    Default Happy Thursday!

    Today is my extra day off and it was lovely not to have to set the alarm clock for this morning!

    I’m having a lazy start to the day then I’m off out for lunch with one of my sons. There’s a lovely farm shop a short drive away that does a delicious all day breakfast, so he wants to head there. I’m more than happy to go along with that, especially as he’ll be driving and paying. All I have to do is sit and eat

    This afternoon I’ll probably be too podged to do much so I’ve got a couple of magazines to read and a new sewing kit to start on. I do need to give the kitchen a good blitz though, so I won’t be able to take it easy all day. I also need to give the garden a tidy up over the weekend, but I’m hoping to draft DH in to help with that.

    Enjoy your days everyone. Keep going - the weekend is in sight

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  3. #2
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    Have a lovely day Mouse. After having had a few days out etc this week today is 'getting the jobs done day' so currently getting the accounts up to date then I have some housework to do, the garden needs sorting too as we picked up some bulbs that need planting alongside some winter bedding plants. The weather is quite bright and sunny at the moment but the ground is so wet.

    Have fun whatever you are all doing.
    Pixie Dust

  4. #3
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    I've got the afternoon slump! ( think it's also after a busy few days at dance comp ... life seems very calm and quiet and sequinless )

    We've had a busy morning with pumpkin activities and craft and a walk, now all busy playing with the little people and dolls house and don't need/ want me!

    One little one arrived in tears ... mum said they were sad that school was shut. Door shut and small child asked to go to bed ... at 8.30am! I know mum thinks child doesn't need a daytime sleep, but they do! Huge bags under eye, pale and yawning with alternately being hyper silly .... clear over tiredness! ... I kept them going, but they couldn't have carried on after lunch.
    I've been off this week ... hence no napping ... usually does at mine!

  5. #4
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    I've had a day off today and it has been so lovely. On Wednesday night I did lots of housework so that I wouldn't need to do any today. DD and I went to a retail park and just browsed. We didn't buy much, just a few toiletries. We did go to Costa for a couple of festive coffees. Then DH collected us and we went to an Italian for lunch. We have never been before and it was lovely. We all loved our meals and the place was so cosy and atmospheric with twinkly lights everywhere. I honestly feel so rejuvenated and like I have had a weekend away.

    I packed up the playroom last night because I just wanted it clutter free for my day off. I am working tomorrow, but I'm going to get as little as possible out so that it doesn't take too long to pack away for the weekend.

    We're just trying to find a good movie to watch.



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