Good morning Friday
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  1. #1
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    Default Good morning Friday

    After a busy day yesterday, I’m having a relaxing day today.

    My back is twinging so I want to keep moving but not do anything too strenuous. One of the children I look after on a Thursday is rather large for his age and I’ve noticed my back playing up for the last few Fridays. Next time I’ve got him I think I need to pay more attention to how often I lift him and see if there are ways I can avoid it.

    I’m just waiting for DH to finish getting ready then we’re off to town to collect his new glasses. There are about half a dozen charity shops close to the opticians so I’ll wander round those while he’s in there. Are you all still wearing masks when you go shopping? I went shopping last weekend and it was the first time I’d not worn one. It felt so nice to be able to breathe normally, but it also felt a bit wrong. I’ve always got one in my bag anyway, so I think I’ll probably wear it today as that seems to be the advice at the moment.

    Right, that’s DH ready, so we’re off out Enjoy your days everyone

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    Oooo, Mouse, take care with your back. My back is dodgy and I notice the bigger children don't help!

    Enjoy your charity shop mooch.

    We had an autumn party at toddlers this morning, with a bouncy castle, which was great fun. Then we were so late leaving, the chip shop was opening, so a few of us ended up getting takeaway fish and chips for lunch!!! What a treat!

    I had planned a whole load of Halloween activities for afterschool, but for a multitude of reasons, I've only got one schoolie and 2 little ones! ... who will be here next week, so I'll save the activities till then!

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    Enjoy your charity shops Mouse - let us know what you buy!

    I'm still wearing a mask, and most people around here are too. When I went to visit my mum though, I noticed that hardly anyone in her local shops was wearing one.

    Mouse, I've got one on a Thursday who is rather large and my back was always aching by the end of Thursdays. I too started avoiding lifting her whenever possible. I used to go back in her room at naptime to lie her back down (she would stand up as soon as I left the room), and that was one of the first things I stopped.

    We've had a lovely morning in the woods. It was a beautiful autumn day. DD is on half term so she came with us - always handy to have an extra pair of hands and eyes! Have any of you watch Adventure Island on youtube? One of my mindees loves it, and I love Gregg Botrill (sp?) who has written/presents it. We copied one of his ideas today and hid a tin in the woods with some 'secret symbols' inside (just pictures of shapes, but you can move on to letters, numbers, words etc) Mindee loved it. Now DD is leading a baking session - bat biscuits - so I've popped on here.

    Gosh, I seem to have tons of stuff to tidy away this weekend - piles of 'stuff' everywhere!

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    I had my usual one little one who has gone home now so that's me finished for a week. I had the first week of the school holidays off back in July so I am ready for a break.

    Mouse I hope you find some bargains and treasures in the charity shop.
    I wear my mask when shopping but there seems to be less and less people doing so but I will continue for now as the cases are on the rise here. I am doubled jabbed now so I know that if I get it it will probably not be too bad but I don't want to have to shut down for 10 days.

    Maza I have just bought the book 'Can I go and play now' by Gregg Bottrill but I haven't seen any of his YouTube stuff. The book is supposed to be delivered today.

    loocyloo-takeaway fish and chips yummy!

    Anyway off to tidy up and close the playroom door for a few days at least as I know by the end of the week I will be itching to get and get ready for Monday morning.
    Pixie Dust

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    Oooooh, pixie dust, let me know what the book is like. I've been tempted to get it, but have resisted so far.

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    I still won’t go out without a mask though I feel it’s making my asthma worse and has been since we started wearing them. But I think wearing a mask shows I’m trying to protect others even though a lot of people aren’t wearing them. It’s everyones choice at the end of the day.

    Ooh I like a mooch round charity shops.Did you find any bargains mouse?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonfly View Post
    .Did you find any bargains mouse?
    I got a couple of little pots that were made in Thailand. They're shiny black with gold patterns on - very striking. I've no idea what the children will use them for so I'll just leave them on the shelf and see what they do with them!

    I did wear my mask the whole time I was in town. I was in the minority though.



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