Good morning Thursday
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  1. #1
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    Default Good morning Thursday

    After yesterday's rain, it's lovely to see the sun shining this morning. It is cold, but bright and dry, so I'll take that!

    Today I've got a very busy day with all 5 of my little mindees here on the same day. I normally have 4 of them anyway on a Thursday, but the other mum has got a meeting to go to and asked if I could have her daughter. My daughter is still registered as my assistant so she's coming through for the day. I'm confident I could have managed all 5 by myself and I think I'd have been allowed to have them all as a one off, but I'm not going to chance it when my daughter is available to help out.

    As the weather is good we'll spend as much time as possible in the garden. I've collected a pile of leaves and twigs, although I'm not quite sure what we'll do with them yet! I'm thinking some sort of transient art with the pine cones and conkers, although I'm sure the children will have their own ideas

    This evening DH and I are off for dinner at DS's house. He makes a wonderful banoffee pie so I've put in a request for that for pudding

    Enjoy your days everyone.

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  3. #2
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    Oooo, have fun Mouse.

    It's freezing here! Although the sky is blue and the sun is shining! We went to feed the ducks but decided it was just too cold for a picnic!

    Everyone is tired, so after lunch it will be naptime and quiet play! Although I have one asking for paint, so I think that will be out before we go to school. Then Halloween craft after school ... I found some glow in the dark scratch art paper ( who knew it existed?! ) so I'll let the schoolies loose with that later! With maybe some googly eyes and Halloween stickers!

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  5. #3
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    We still have rain today, every now and then the sun breaks through then it starts raining again. I have 2 x 3 years old today and they are both tired so they are getting grumpy with each other. We made soup this morning for lunch and they are now doing some colouring so thought I would pop on quickly.

    I am keeping my fingers crossed for a dry school run this afternoon.

    Have fun for the rest day and keep warm.
    Pixie Dust

  6. #4
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    We set off straight after breakfast for a walk. They usually like to free play or craft for a while after breakfast, but then we get stuck at home/in the garden because someone is bound to nod off in the pushchair if we go out mid morning. I was all proud of myself, but one fell asleep anyway! My normally 'good as gold' mindee was being rather assertive on our walk! She totally wanted to go in the opposite direction to everyone else all morning, and then plopped down on the floor when I tried to gently steer her our way. So, she had to go back in the pushchair. She wasn't happy. She did get over it though and was soon chatting away to herself, repeating everything I was saying to the others.

    DD is on half term starting today. She wants to do some baking with the mindees when they all wake up later on.

    Ooooh, my mood stars arrived yesterday! They are lovely and I think I will use them a lot. I just popped them out on a little table yesterday to see what the mindees would do with them. All three interacted in a different way with them. They were all fascinated by them.

    Wow Mouse, 5 mindees. I sure you will be so busy that your day will go quickly.

    I've got one today who constantly needs his nose wiping. We haven't been able to complete a story, or a conversation or anything (which is totally fine - real life), but I just kept thinking that if 'O' were here today I'm not sure what they would make of it!



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