This week is going quickly. I was surprised to realise it’s Wednesday already

It must be noticeably colder this morning - the cats are refusing to go outside! At least it’s dry for now though. Yesterday started off nicely, but we had rain by lunchtime and it hadn’t stopped by the time I went to bed.

One of my parents messaged last night to ask if they could swap a day at half term. I’ve looked at who I’ve got in that week and, by swapping a couple of others around, I’ve managed to get myself an extra day off (I don’t work the Friday anyway)

What’s everyone got planned for today? I’ve got a childminder friend coming to visit with her children this morning. I’m going to be doing some holiday cover for one of them so they’re coming to meet us all. Hopefully the weather will stay dry and we can spend the time in the garden.

Enjoy your days