Good morning Friday
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  1. #1
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    Default Good morning Friday

    Thursday is such a crazy day I didn’t even get time to post on here yesterday! By the time the last child went home I was frazzled, so I went out for a bit of retail therapy before joining DH & DS for our weekly meal out. As always, I was glad of my lie in this morning

    Today will be a much more leisurely day. DD and I are off to Hobbycraft for some bits and bobs and then we’re going to trawl the charity shops for interesting things. I’ve told her she’s not to let me buy any more books!

    This evening another son and his girlfriend are coming round for a games evening. He makes a wonderful banoffee pie and has promised to bring one with him He’s also bringing a new game. I hope it’s nothing too taxing…I don’t think my brain is up to it today

    Have good days everyone. Keep going - the weekend’s nearly here

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    Good morning.
    I love Hobbycraft, but we don't have one nearby. I hope you pick up some nice bits, from the charity shops too.

    I'm doing a Level 2 online course about Autism with my local college so catching up on that today. I'm really enjoying it, although I have set deadlines to submit my answers, so having to be disciplined.

    I saw a family last week who want care from January for a 7 month old, and they told me yesterday they would like to sign up. They seemed lovely, though I have never childminded such as young child! Any advice?

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    Oh wow! Congratulations Ellisha. 7mths is lovely as they settle before seperation anxiety kicks in!

    I would ask mum for a routine guide, how she settles little one to sleep, how they bottle feed ( cuddled, in chair etc ) etc and then go with the flow! I always ask mums of little ones not eating 'everyday' meals, to send all meals/ snacks, then she knows what little one is eating, she knows how much they might eat and I think it helps them to feel involved still.

    We've been on a bus this morning and had morning tea out, then home and played outside. It's lovely and warm and bright, but a bit blowy. Everyone is asleep, so I'm enjoying the peace and the sun!

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    Congratulations Elisha! One thing with that age is that they do have more than one sleep a day, so maybe check that mum is ok for one of the naps to be in the buggy sometimes so that you can still get out and about.

    We had a lovely walk this morning collecting leaves, although we haven't got round to doing the planed craft with them yet. Don't really want to have them hanging around over the weekend. One mindee found a conker and the other mindee wanted one of course, but none were to be found. I felt so sorry for him! We took a different route home past a place where I often see conkers. We managed to find one, so the mindee was very happy, but by this point, the first one had lost his conker!

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    Conkers and leaves, lovely! Our leaves have yet to fall or turn beautiful colours. I've seen conkers around but the girl I look after puts things in her mouth so we won't collect any. I'll take her on a walk to our local woods next week.

    Thanks for the advice re the 7 month old. He's a second child so Mum says he naps in the car seat and buggy often, so I'm sure she'll be ok with some out and about buggy sleeping.

    I hope you all have lovely weekends.

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    We did some baking this morning which was nice and enjoyed being out in the garden. I can't believe how warm it has been considering it's the end of September.

    This afternoon I had to take my stepmum to the doctors for some tests and it was crazy trying to get out of the village where I live due to people panic buying fuel we have a garage at the main roundabout in/out of the village and so many people were queuing to buy fuel it blocked up the main road in/out of the village. They have now run out of fuel! I just can't believe what has gone on today as surely the very fact people went out and panic bought has now caused more of a problem.

    Anyway enjoy the weekend I don't think I will be going very far.
    Pixie Dust

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  11. #7
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    On our bus trip, we went past the petrol station, and I noticed every pump was in use, but I hadn't clicked why, until I heard the news on the radio later!
    Hey Ho... I've got half a tank, and don't particularly need to be anywhere this weekend, so we'll see what happens, but it is crazy behaviour .... I bet the panic buyers are all those who still have 000s of loo rolls left from panic buying last time!

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    I wondered why the petrol station was so busy when I went by earlier on. Now I know!

    I went to Sainsbury's on Monday night and the shelves were noticeably bare. Then today I've been to M&S and it's the same. Some sections are completely empty while others are looking like they've tried to spread out what they have got to fill the gaps. But worse that all of that - I went to Costa for a coffee and they had no decaff!! I know things are getting bad when I can't get a decaff latte



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