Sunday morning.
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Thread: Sunday morning.

  1. #1
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    Default Sunday morning.

    Morning everyone! Hope everyone is enjoying a relaxing weekend. Yesterday I didn't do much pottered about at home doing odd little jobs then at teatime we went over to my dad's, we took fish and chips for tea which he really enjoyed. I don't have any plans today, I do want to write a newsletter for parents especially with the new isolation rules coming in tomorrow but I try and keep Sundays work free!

    I have a busy week ahead as everyone is back from their holidays so 6 most days!

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend and those of you on annual leave have a restful time recharging your batteries.

    Whatever you do today make sure you take some time out for yourself to do something that gives you joy....for me I am aiming to read my book in the garden for half an hour. That's the one thing I have learnt over the last 18 months is that I need to make sure I look my own well being and it's ok to take some time out to do something for myself.
    Pixie Dust

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    Good morning Pixie!

    I've had a brilliant weekend so far ... Dh and I went away with some friends on friday night and sat up around a fire watching shooting stars till the early hours. Yesterday we went to a friends daughters 21st, and chatting to another guest, discovered that she had grown up where DH & I grew up ( 260 miles away ) and that her Mum and my parents had belonged to the same theatre group. Her mum has recently passed away, and she had a programme for a show that had her mum and my dads names in, from 1981 !!! I've been to church this morning, and i'm now about to drive to a village fete, where i'm singing with a choir!

    I agree, we really need to make time for us each day ( in fact, i'm heading out early to the fete, so i can go to the tea tent, and have a cup of tea and enjoy the 'peace' ! )

    SO Pixie ... what have you said to parents about the change in isolation rules?
    Because basically; if we or a member of our family have it, we have to shut until all well.
    if a child has symptoms or it, then they don't attend until well.
    if a child's family member/close contact has it ... Child can attend unless we think otherwise? .... and that is the tricky bit! Obviously, an ill parent can't leave house, so theoretically the child can't get to us, but if one parent ill, and other parent is not symptomatic, then in theory child can attend? It is a bit confusing!

    and just to confuse things even more - a friend is now in hospital, on a covid ward, with cough/high temp/needing oxygen, (in less than 24hrs of starting to cough) BUT, has tested NEGATIVE on PCRs.

    have a lovely day everyone xx

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    Well, I'm back from my 'holiday'.

    The poor dog struggled in the car. He was trembling so much. Thank goodness it was just under an hour away. He didn't totally relax for the whole of the holiday - he paced about (didn't help that he wasn't allowed on the sofas, and he loves snuggling up to us on the sofas at home, so he probably felt rejected, poor thing).

    DD had terrible menstrual pain and so couldn't sleep and had no energy to do anything. Then on the second day she got really quite ill with a migraine. We sat in the cabin with all the curtains closed and the lights and tv off because they just hurt her. After nearly two days of it, and ibuprofen not making any difference, we phoned our gp and he tried to get her an appointment to be seen locally, but there all the local surgeries were too busy, so DH had to drive her home to see our doctor. He did lots of tests on her and confirmed that it was a migraine. DD panicked a bit and told him that it wasn't as bad as it had been earlier in the day - but as soon as she got back in the car she was crying with pain again. She threw up all over the holiday cabin when she got back. DH was really cross with her for playing it down in front of the doctor. Anyway, it has eased up now, but she is drained.

    So, it was the strangest holiday. I only left the site once and that was to go to a supermarket. DH and DD did manage a woodland walk before she got ill (I stayed with the dog because we didn't want to take him in the car again). DD couldn't go in the hot tub and we had to cancel all the activities we had booked with no refunds available.

    I think we're all relieved to be home. My back is hurting quite a bit from holding the dog, who was sitting in a really awkward position in the back of the car.

    Thank goodness I've got next week off as I need it to recover from this week!

    Hope everyone has had a good week. x

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    Oh Maza what a holiday! Glad you have a week off to recover.

    Loocyloo hadn’t looked at new rules as from Monday. Don’t fancy having a child if someone has it /been in close contact with someone with it from their family.

    Hope your friend is better soon. May she have flu?

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    Oh gosh loocyloo, hope your friend feels better soon.

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    oh Maza, what a 'holiday' you have had. Hope DD is feeling enjoy the week at home to recover.

    Thanks, apparently the drs at the hospital say my friend has covid

    I don't know what i'm going to say to parents. I'm hoping that they'll be sensible and if they have to stay home, then they keep the children at home, but i fully expect one family to say that child will still come to me, so they can get better on their own!

    I had a lovely afternoon singing, and then drinking tea and eating a variety of cake

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    Oh Maza what a shame about your holiday, we had the same with our dog not being allowed on the sofa when we went away. He quickly learnt he wasn't allowed and I do understand why they have these rules.Our holiday home had the lounge on the first floor and had a cream carpet so if he was the slightest bit muddy we stayed in the kitchen with him We tried not to let ours on the sofa at home but he just want to be with us, we don't let him upstairs though.

    Loocyloo sounds like you have had a great weekend ........I haven't actually written my newsletter as I couldn't decide how to word it like you have said the issue is with children coming even when a close contact has Covid. I have 3 families all have been isolating (2 families have been pinged and the other both parents have tested positive) from tomorrow you don't have to isolate if you have been pinged and are doubled jabbed so if one family member is ill and the other has been jabbed they could technically bring their child or even if they are both ill they could in theory get someone else to collect them from the front door and drop them to the setting either scenarios I am not really happy about.
    Hope your friend feels better soon.
    Pixie Dust

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    It's the potential loss of earnings that is also a big worry with it all.

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    Hope your friends better very soon loocyloo.

    I actually need help with writing letter to parents it’s all very, well I dont know 🤷🏻*♀️



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