Good afternoon Friday
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  1. #1
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    Default Good afternoon Friday

    I had a lovely lie in this morning. I really needed it! When I woke up DH brought me a cup of coffee and some toast and I sat in bed watching some of the Olympics. It felt like I was on holiday

    I did some paperwork when I got up, then went to do a food shop as the fridge and cupboards were empty. Some of the shelves in the supermarket were still looking a bit bare but I managed to get most things I'd gone in for. Now I'm back home with another cup of coffee and watching more Olympics. It's turned out to be a very lazy day

    Random question of the day - do any of you have smart meters for your gas and/or electric? My supplier keeps sending me emails saying to switch to one. I'm resisting, but I don't know what it is I've got against them. I can't see any reason not to have one, but then I don't see the advantage of having one either. Does it just save you having to read the meter each month?

    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone.

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  3. #2
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    We don't have a smart meter. I have always been keen to get one but I've never got round to it. I think DH wastes so much electricity (he denies it) and I would love to prove it to him.

    We're having a very straight forward day. I took my mindees for a walk around the block in between rain showers. I want to train the youngest to walk sensibly whilst holding hands. He managed so well bless him. A bit ironic of me seeing as my new double pushchair arrived yesterday, but sometimes you just want to walk don't you? He's got a bandage on his hand at the minute, so we can't do sand/water/painting etc as he has to keep it clean and dry. These are usually his favourite activities.

    Tonight I am off out out. I'm actually going to the pub with two other local minders. I met one of them on a walk the other day and introduced myself. She had lots of children with her, so it wasn't too much of a gamble to ask her if she was a childminder! I've not met the other one, but it will be really lovely getting to know local people. Tomorrow we have a friend coming over to watch the rugby with DH.

    Roll on 5pm, then I'm off for two weeks!

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  5. #3
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    Good afternoon!
    We've had a great week away ... forecast was horrendous for today, so planned lazy day at cottage ... it has barely rained ! We went for a walk and will head out later for another walk and beach visit!

    We don't have a smart meter ... for some reason I don't trust them. I'd rather do our own readings each month!

    Enjoy meeting your new friends Maza and have a good break.

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  7. #4
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    We have had quite a chilled day with only 2 little ones but one went at 3pm so this last 2 hours is dragging.

    We had smart meters fitted 2 weeks ago so its all very new for us, I kept putting it off but it seemed like you get better deals if you have smart meters. Its quite interesting to see how it goes up when you use certain appliances etc but I don't think it will make any difference to how we use electric/gas it may be different in the winter months when we have the heating on

    Have fun meeting up with the other childminders Maza and enjoy your time off.

    Sounds like you are having a lovely time away loocyloo!
    Pixie Dust

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