I can't believe we're half way through the week already. One more working day for me and my weekend starts

Today I've had one of my new children come for a second settling visit and to meet the other children. She did amazingly well, although one of the other little ones got a bit jealous. I spent quite a lot of time balancing them both on my lap!

I was scrolling through Facebook earlier on and saw a friend had posted that she was looking to make some quick, easy money so did anyone know of anyone looking for a childminder. Who knew this was an easy way to make money? After some of the days I've had recently, it's anything but easy money and I often feel I've earned every single penny!
I think she probably means babysitting, not childminding, but it's still a bit frustrating that people see childminding as easy.

Are any of you still watching the Olympics? I haven't seen as much over the last few days, but I did enjoy the BMX competition. I can't quite make myself see it as a sport, but it was impressive to watch. I don't think there can be much left of it now. Once it's finished I'll have to start my hunt for something new to watch again. Has anyone seen anything good lately?

Enjoy your evenings everyone.