It's the weekend!
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  1. #1
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    Default It's the weekend!

    The disadvantage of having an early night last night is that I was wide awake at 4.30 this morning

    Still, I'm onto my second load of washing and I'm having a cup of coffee in peace, so it's not all bad. DH is going out at 8.30am so I'll probably jump back into bed for an hour then.

    Once I'm up and about properly, I'm going to go to the charity shop to drop off a few bits. My book sorting this week didn't go as planned and I only ended up taking 8 books off the bookcase. I have sorted some toys and household bits to donate instead so I don't feel too bad about keeping hold of all the books!

    This evening I'll have my grandson here while everyone else is out watching the football. We're planning a movie night with sweets and popcorn, although we haven't decided on the movie yet. He's only 5 and doesn't usually sit watching anything for long, so it'll probably end up with him playing and talking all the way through any film we chose. We'll also play Top Trumps as that's his favourite game at the moment. His favourite set is one that we bought for his dad when he was little. They've lasted well!

    Enjoy your weekend everyone.

  2. #2
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    Have a good day Mouse. ... that's like me with sorting books ... I find it very hard to part with them!

    I love Top Trumps. ... I've been giving them as birthday present to all my older mindees this year. I've got several packs that we all enjoy playing.

    We watched the bee movie the other day ... my 3&4 yr olds were so engrossed, they didn't move muscle! And it even taught us that without bees there would be no flowers/food etc ( which we knew, but seeing it in 'real' ( well, cartoon! ) life, made it 'real'.)

    We're away visiting family this weekend. Going to my mums later. I haven't seen her for about 9 mths.

    Have a good weekend everyone xxx

  3. #3
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    Mouse we never got into top trumps - someone explained it to me and it sounded really complicated - but if your 5 year old grandson can play it then it can't be that complicated!

    Today I am supposed to be meeting up with my mum, brother, sister and three of my nieces. I haven't seen them in over a year - since before the first main lockdown. We have found a park/lake about an hour away from each of us, so we are aiming to meet there. However, it is chucking it down so we'll have to see. I just want DD to have fun with her cousins again.

    So, this morning I have to walk the dog (he's not coming with us), find all DD's old clothes that I have been saving to pass on to my nieces. It will be great to finally make some space!

    Enjoy your movie Mouse!

  4. #4
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    I love getting up early at the weekend when you don’t have to keep watching the clock.



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