Good morning Thursday
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  1. #1
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    Default Good morning Thursday

    Last day of my working week and I've got a busy day.

    I've got 3 children here - 2 who play beautifully and one who spends all day trying to intrude on their play and ends up upsetting them all! He's a lovely little chap and just needs a bit of practice on playing together. The other children will each be doing their own thing and he goes from one to another taking what they've got or barging them out of the way. I have to follow him round and either distract him with something else, or model how to play cooperatively!

    After work DH and I are going to Ikea to collect a new bookcase for the children's books. I have been using a Kallax unit and that's been overflowing. I've decided I'm going to have a real cull of the books and cut down to just a normal (small) bookcase size collection. It'll be hard because I'm rubbish at getting rid of books, but I really don't need as many as I've got. I've got multiple copies of several books, so my first sweep will be to get rid of any duplicates. After that I'm going to sort them into the 'classics' that we've probably all got and that I'll keep (Gruffalo, Elma etc) and ones that we never read so I'll get rid of them. Then I'll need to decide what I'm going to do with them. Some will go to the charity shop but I'll also see if the school nursery want any. And finally, I need to stop myself from buying any more books! We're back to using the library again, so we have a regular supply of new books without me buying more every time I go out shopping or log onto my Amazon account!

    Have good days everyone!

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  3. #2
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    It is nice now that we have got the library back isn't it?

    I've just got one little one today. My other one is off sick with a cold.

    She's my cryer but she has been more settled today. Not completely settled by all means, and she took longer to fall asleep today. She soiled her nappy twice since being put down, but she's finally fast asleep.

    I've just remembered that I had prepared some painting for her, but we didn't get round to doing it this morning as she was playing nicely. We'll do it this afternoon, but that means it won't be dry in time for home time, but never mind.

  4. #3
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    I love books and have an ever expanding book wish list I have a box that children can borrow books from as I think books are so important and so many children don't get to enjoy them in their home environment. We only have a limited amount out at a time then I swap them out , the others are currently stored upstairs under one of the beds. Good luck with sorting them out Mouse as I would be terrible at that

    I only have 2 today so we have been out in the garden this morning and now we are inside playing with Happyland.

    Only one more working day then its the weekend
    Pixie Dust

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  6. #4
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    I had a sort out and donated books I didn't like reading to the charity shop ... but then just bought more I love books! I have 'borrowing bags with a book and an activity in, and the children love taking them home to share.

    We've played 'going shopping' ALL day! It's been great, and I've not really been involved apart from being random shop keepers!

    I've got tomorrow off and it felt weird packing the playroom up tonight. I'm off out in a bit to sign contracts for a new Sept starter.



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