Good morning Tuesday
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  1. #1
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    Default Good morning Tuesday

    The weather doesn't seem to be able to make its mind up this morning. I went out the front door to put some rubbish in the bin and it was raining heavily. 10 minutes later I went out the backdoor to get the raincover for the pushchair from the shed and it was lovely and sunny and very warm! Now it's overcast and cold. I hope the children bring coats with them today, but I've got a feeling they'll come dressed for the weather as it is when they leave home. If they come out to rain they'll bring coats, if they come out to sunshine they won't!

    This morning we're going to the library to collect some books I'd requested...and to return a book I found on the bookshelf which was due back in November 2019 I'm going to blame covid and lockdowns for it being so late back!

    This evening I'll have an early finish as one of the dads wants to get home in time to watch the England match. He normally collects his daughter at 5pm (my last collection) but says he'll come early today so he's home for 5pm. I've told him I'll have him ready at the door for a quick handover! We're going to make England flags today so she'll be able to help him cheer the team on

    Enjoy your day everyone.

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  3. #2
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    Oh making England flags is a good idea Mouse!

    We've just painted some stars. I trusted my new mindee to do painting standing up at the little table rather than in his highchair which is where I usually start them off. He was really good bless him. Now I'm toying with whether we should go out and about or have a garden day. I fancy a garden day, but my back is a bit sore so I'm thinking there will be less lifting if I take them for a walk.

    Last night I was in bed by 9.30 and I feel great for it. I was exhausted for lots of reasons and I had had a really busy day. After work we had zoom parents eve at DD's school. It worked really well and took up far less of our time with not having to travel to the school and back. We just had to sit down and wait for individual teachers to call us. Then after that I had to go for my second jab.

    All my new starters have now started as of yesterday, so I'm looking forward to getting settled into a routine and the parents chilling out a bit.

    Have a good day everyone.

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  5. #3
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    where did today go? I did a couple of school runs, and we went to a local forest to play in the big sandpit, and then in the 'not big enough to be a river, but bigger than a stream' water! We had a great time, and my new babe, whilst still having a few whinges, is more settled and even ate today !!! We've had a warm sunny day.

    DH came home early to watch the football, and woebetide anyone trying to talk to him. Dd & I are not bothered!

    Hope you had a good visit to the library Mouse. ( and they didn't mind too much about the book! ) we went to the library last week and got a book called 'Gnome' ... who is very grumpy and says NO! ALOT! eventually a witch turns him into stone, and decorates him for a garden !! the children thought it was hilarious. At the weekend i spotted a 'stone' gnome in a shop so bought it, and popped it on a playroom shelf.... One of the mindees noticed it today and said a Witch must have turned him into stone for being in the playroom !!!! ( which was just what i'd hoped! ) Cue lots of chatting about doing what you are told ( and being polite! )

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  7. #4
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    Sounds like you had a fun day Loocyloo!

    I am really going to try and make the effort to get out and about a bit more with the little ones as I feel like I have got a bit stuck in a rut and not actually doing much and if I am feeling that I guess the children will be too! We used to go out a 2 or 3 times a week before Covid but now we don't venture very far.

    Tonight I have just had our LA's termly childminding meeting via zoom hopefully they will be back face to face in September as they are a nice way to catch up with other local childminders, we are lucky in that respect that our LA still provides a good level of support for early years.
    Pixie Dust

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  9. #5
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    That's good Pixie, that your LA does meetings. Our local area used to, but they'd sort of stopped, due to amalgamating areas and no one wants to travel for an hour plus each way, for an hour's meeting! We've been doing termly 'teams' meetings, but you can't see anyone, so can only 'chat' in messages! I miss seeing people face to face!

    I'd have gone spare if i hadn't started going out and about. I was getting SOOOO BORED, being at home all the time, in the same 4 walls ( as it were! ) And i think because i was getting bored, so were the children, especially those that had been here throughout assorted lockdowns!

    I've just done a webinar on inspections from 2021. Brilliant as always, and LOADS of 'NEW EYFS' resources on the website! I'm going to be reading and saving and printing for hours!

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