This is my last Friday at home alone DH is changing jobs and won’t be working on a Friday any more. While it’ll be nice to have a day off together, it’s also been very nice to have the day off by myself! I haven’t worked on a Friday for a long time and it’s always been my day. I lost the day during lockdowns, when everyone was home, but I’ve got used to having it back again. He’s busy planning all the things we’ll be able to do with the long week ends while I’m busy mourning the loss of my free time

So today, I’m off to town to meet a friend for coffee, cake and a natter. If the weather improves we’ll get takeaway and wander to the park, but it’s looking a bit overcast at the moment. While I’m in town I need to get some birthday cards and a couple of presents. I’ve got a run of birthdays coming up over the next few weeks so I’m going to be prepared.

Then this evening I’ve got the fun of doing a LFT before my course tomorrow. I don’t like doing them, but it’s a small price to pay if it means we can be there in person!

Enjoys your days everyone.