Good morning Tuesday
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  1. #1
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    By the sea
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    Default Good morning Tuesday

    The sun is shining so I've been out and filled the water tables before the children get here. As it's World Ocean Day I've put the sea creature figures in one of the water tables. I was going to add some blue food colouring, but realised I'd never done that before and don't know if it would stain hands or clothes? I've used coloured water in potion bottles with no problem, I'm just not sure when it's on a larger scale. If you lot tell me it's ok, I'll go out and add a few drops!

    Maza, how are your new starters settling in? I'm sure you'll soon get used to having more children there.

    This evening I've got DD coming round for a sewing lesson. I bought a new sewing machine so said she could have my old one. I learnt to sew when I was at school, but apparently they don't teach that any more so she hasn't a clue how to use one! I'm no expert, so I'll only be showing her the basics, but there are loads of YouTube videos out there for her to watch. Perhaps that's why they don't teach these things in school anymore - they can find everything on YouTube instead!

    How's everyone doing with their covid vaccinations? Has everyone had their first, at least? I had my second one a couple of weeks back and, apart from a sore arm, I had no side effects at all. One of my sons had his second jab at the weekend and my daughter and another son have got their second ones this week. They seem to be getting through everyone really quickly here and I've been very impressed with how it's all run at the local testing centre.

    I've just got time for a quick cup of coffee before the children start arriving. Enjoy your days everyone.

  2. #2
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    ... how did the blue food colouring go Mouse? I've never added it to water at home. I remember some one added black to the c water table in nursery when I was training and all the children went home with coloured hands!

    We've had friends to play in the garden, my new babe did a quick half hour settle, and we've been watching the bumble bees. I did think about doing something for world oceans day, but decided our 30 days wild is enough!

    I had my second jab weekend before last. I was fine, just kept waking up the first night! It's so well organised here.

    I taught DD how to use my sewing machine last summer, and it was painful! She did watch stuff on YouTube, but there is nothing like actually practicing! She was muttering about wanting to sew something this summer ... a friend has run sewing machine lessons .. so I might see if she'll teach her!

    Enjoy the afternoon and sun everyone xx

  3. #3
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    Evening.....we have had another lovely day of water play and general outside fun.

    I have my second vaccine this Saturday, my eldest DS is getting his first on Friday, he is 25 and he can't wait!

    I remember having sewing lessons at school it's to my best skill.

    Enjoy the rest of your evening, we have had an evening walk with the dog
    Pixie Dust

  4. #4
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    I’ve never added colouring to water for the Same reason don’t want to send children home blue! Probably wouldn’t happen though. You do it first mouse and let us know ha,ha.

    Had my second jab in beginning May, left me a bit tired / washed out feeling that’s all.

    Hope everyone is coping with this warm weather, lovely isn’t it?though I find night times difficult to stay asleep. This morning I was awake at 1.30 ish and as I’m up at 4.30 will be very tired later. Was nice and cool over the fields 5 this morning.
    Going to another childminders garden this morning. I have sooo many toys but it’s alway nice for the children to play with some one else's toys they are always different.
    Nice to bounce ideas around with another childminder also, activities etc.

    Have a good day everyone.

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