It's my first day back after my week off and I'm glad to see the sun is still here. I had worried we'd be back to rain this week! We've spent a lovely morning in the garden and I now have some very tired children eating lunch. The younger ones look like they'll have an afternoon nap and even the older ones look ready for some quiet time.

While I was off last week I had a bit of a sort out and rearranged how I set out the toys. It's been interesting to see how the children have reacted and what they've chosen to play with. While we've been indoors they've definitely played much better than they had been doing. I think they were bored with the set up so it's been good to change things up a bit. The only thing they've completely ignored are my beautiful Grapat & Grimms peg people! I thought they looked lovely and inviting but they obviously don't. It does make me wonder how much the children ever play with some of the lovely Instagram set ups you see. Once the children have gone home I'll pack the people away again and look for something else to go on the shelf.

Enjoy your days everyone