Good morning everyone!

I had a much needed lie in this morning and I’m planning a lazy day. I feel much better than I did earlier in the week, but still nowhere near 100%, so I’m not going to start dashing around like I normally do on my day off. I’ve got a couple of magazines I’ve not had chance to look at yet, so I’m going to read, drink coffee, eat biscuits and snuggle under my blanket all day!

Has anyone made any plans for after restrictions are relaxed again on Monday? DH and I are looking forward to being able to go for a meal out, although we haven’t booked anywhere yet. I know we could have sat outside to eat over the last few weeks, but with the weather we’ve had, that idea didn’t really appeal to either of us. I’m also looking forward to taking my grandson to the cinema to see Peter Rabbit 2. It was due to be released about the time we went into the first lockdown and I had hoped they’d put it straight to TV instead, which sadly they didn’t. At the time Peter Rabbit was one of his favourite films and we were excited about the second one. I don’t think he’s quite as enthusiastic now, but I want to see it so he’ll have to go with me

Enjoy your Friday. The weekend’s nearly here!