I've realised I started to type this earlier but didn't ever press send!

I've woken up with a stinking cold this morning so I'll be dosing myself up with paracetamol to get through the day. I know the rain doesn't cause a cold, but I'm sure it hasn't helped that I've been drenched so many times over the last few days! Yesterday was awful - heavy rain showers and hail throughout the day. We did see some wonderful rainbows though.

Today is much nicer. The sun is coming out and it does feel as if it might brighten up. One child has come without a coat, so I really hope we don't get more rain.

After I'd finished work yesterday I nipped out to do a quick food shop and I bumped into one of my ex-mindees with her family. It was lovely to see them, although there was no social distancing when she ran over to me for a hug! I keep in touch with her mum, but it's a while since I've seen them in person and it was lovely to have a quick catch up. They've recently moved house so I've been invited for lunch over half term. I've completely lost track of covid rules, but I'm sure that'll be allowed by then!

Today we're having a mainly free play day while I suffer with a headache and runny nose. I've set the craft table up and have given the children free access to everything. I'm looking forward to seeing what they create, but not looking forward to cleaning up the mess when they've finished!

Enjoy your days everyone