Good morning everyone.

How's your weather today? It's much brighter here, although it's still a bit cold. But at least it's not raining and the wind has dropped. The garden looked such a mess this morning with soggy blossom blown everywhere, so I've been out to sweep up as much as I can before the children arrive. When it's dry blossom I leave it for them to collect themselves, but when it's wet and soggy, it's horrible to look at and they all end up slipping on it!

Today we're going to make some more painted butterflies to hang in the garden. The ones we made last week were lovely, but the children wanted to take them home so none of them actually made it into the garden! I've told the children that we're going to make some more for outside and they're excited about hanging them in the trees. Hopefully they'll be happy to leave some here this time!

A reminder that it's Sewing Bee tonight. The Bank Holiday has completely thrown me with the days, so I'd have probably forgotten it was on tonight. I nearly missed Holby last night as I thought it was Monday

Have good days everyone. I hope it's sunnier and drier wherever you are.