I'm sure I've got the right day today

Can you believe we're almost at the end of April? In some ways the month seems to have flown by, but in other ways it seems to have been a long month with just about every sort of weather we could possibly have - sunshine, rain, snow!

Did everyone catch Sewing Bee last night? I was sorry about the person who went home as they're one of the ones I'd really liked. One thing I don't get is the transformation round. I get that they're turning one item into something else, but I'd have expected them to come up with something that was actually wearable. Obviously the judges are looking for something different because the winning outfit always seems to be the one I think looks the most unwearable!

What are your plans for today? We're heading off out for a walk soon to drop our books back at the library. I still wasn't sure about taking the children in, so I've been collecting books on a Saturday and when we're finished with them we drop them off in the box outside the library. It saves me taking the children in, but they still get some sort of experience of returning books.

Enjoy your days everyone.