It’s the weekend!
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  1. #1
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    Default It’s the weekend!

    So we’re in the final weekend of full lockdown. Who’s excited for the next phase of coming out of lockdown? What do you plan to do first? Go shopping, get a haircut, go to the pub? I’m not really planning on doing any of those! I rarely went to the pub before all this started so I’m not going to start now, especially if it means sitting outside. I haven’t been to the hairdressers in years, so again, I’m not likely to start now. And shopping - I’d like to go and have a wander round the shops, but not if it’s madly busy and there are queues everywhere. I’ll wait till the excitement has died down a bit.

    What I would like is to be able to book a weekend away with my group of girl friends. We’re spread out all over the country so choose somewhere everyone can get to to meet up for the weekend. The last time we met up was just as this was all starting. Coronavirus had been identified but was still only in China and wasn’t seen as a credible threat over here. We’re probably lucky we went when we did. Less than 6 weeks later we were plunged into the first lockdown and we’ve not been able to meet up since. I know it’s still a while until we can all meet up again, but I’m so looking forward to it!

    Have you got any nice plans for the weekend? Apart from a food shop today, I’ll just be at home, pottering round. Tomorrow DH and I are going to go for a drive out and a picnic. Hopefully the sun will be out, but if it isn’t, we’ll have a picnic in the car

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    I've just been for another run with DD. I'm sure my 'get fit' phase will stop next week when I'm back at work.

    I didn't get as much done yesterday as I was planning because I ended up watching the news quite a bit when I heard about Prince Phillip. Although he was undoubtedly privileged, he did have a difficult life I think in many ways. I'm not a massive fan of the royals, but I do think that it will be the end of an era when his generation have all passed on.

    Some boxes arrived today and so I was all set to organise one of my cupboards. Unfortunately one of the boxes is cracked and so I will have to send them back. I'm going to throw together some lunch and then clean the spare room and hopefully DD's room too, walk the dog and do other random chores. I guess I need to have a think about what I'm going to set up for next week and the term ahead.

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    Happy Weekend!

    my excitement for the weekend is an Asda delivery in a bit ( with random substitutions and NO bananas !!! what! no bananas AT ALL in the shop ??? !!!! ) and then a walk with a friend tomorrow! I'm making the most of a lazy weekend at home, as ( apart from this past year ) they don't happen often, as next weekend DD has assorted dance stuff on, plus a 120 mile/3hr round trip to buy some new dance shoes !!! There is a dance shop about 50 mins away, but the last (and only) we went there, the lady serving us was very evasive about telling me the cost of any of the different shoes DD was trying on, and although I kept saying, the cost is generally irrelevant, (she has 'difficult' feet - we need a shoe that fits!), she just kept saying 'they are all about the same price' !!! one of DDs friends did go there and got the exact same shoes as DD ... and paid about £15 more!

    I don't think ( other than crazy weekends! ) my life is going to change too much! We don't really go to the pub much, and I'm not one for shopping or the hairdressers or any 'facial/nails' type stuff! I'd like my dentist to start being open 5 days a week again, and I am looking forward to catching up with childminder friends and their minded children. I want to catch up with friends and family, but as they all require an overnight stay ... i think i've still got a bit of a wait!

    It was lovely and sunny earlier, but the sky has turned dark grey and it is COLD .... so expecting yet more rain and snow! apparently we have snow on the moors AGAIN!

    have a good weekend everyone xxx

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    Quote Originally Posted by loocyloo View Post
    There is a dance shop about 50 mins away, but the last (and only) we went there, the lady serving us was very evasive about telling me the cost of any of the different shoes DD was trying on, and although I kept saying, the cost is generally irrelevant, (she has 'difficult' feet - we need a shoe that fits!), she just kept saying 'they are all about the same price' !!! one of DDs friends did go there and got the exact same shoes as DD ... and paid about £15 more!
    I found the same with buying dance shoes for DD. You never seem to find out the full price until you’re at the till paying! Then there are the extras you need to buy, especially with pointe shoes. No matter how much you try and estimate the cost in your head, it always comes in at a huge amount more!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
    I found the same with buying dance shoes for DD. You never seem to find out the full price until you’re at the till paying! Then there are the extras you need to buy, especially with pointe shoes. No matter how much you try and estimate the cost in your head, it always comes in at a huge amount more!
    Exactly!!!" and then there is the pair of tights and the x, y & z that you might as well buy as you are there! Luckily I have a reel of ribbon, elastic and darning thread! But that reminds me, I need a new thimble!

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    I'm actually rather glad that my DD never got into dancing. I was gutted at the time, when I finally had to face up to the fact that it wasn't her thing - my sister and I lived for our dance classes and shows when we were young.

    We used to go to an ice cream shop/cafe and one day a different shop assistant served us and he charged me quite a bit less than the other person who usually served us. I corrected him, thinking he had undercharged us. He double checked with his boss and she said he was correct. I was so miffed. Don't know why I didn't complain - I guess I had no proof, but I never went there again. My mum always told us to never trust anywhere that doesn't display their prices!

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    We had a lovely weekend as we got to see the SIL and niece in their garden, we haven't seen them for months so it was lovely to catch up with them, then DS2 had his birthday Sunday so we had a video call so I could watch him open up his box of goodies I had posted up to him to be honest Sunday just disappeared in a flash. I made an effort to keep off my laptop and generally online over the weekend as I spend to much time scrolling Instagram or Facebook.

    I have a hair appointment in a couple of weeks but apart from that not a lot will change for us as we don't go out to pubs/restaurants only on a rare occasion when its a family birthday. The thing I am looking forward to is catching up with family who live away which hopefully won't be too much longer.
    Pixie Dust



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