At least I think it’s Friday! I’ve totally lost track of the days this week.

Yesterday I had my grandson here for the day, so it was pretty much like a work day, except with extra coffee breaks and being able to drink it while it was still hot! We did lots of painting and playdough and playing in the garden. Thank goodness the weather has warmed up a little bit since the snow at the beginning of the week. While we were outside I got him to clean the toys and water the plants with the porta-shower. It kept him busy while I drank coffee. I gave him a couple of pounds for doing it, so he was happy as well!

Today I’m aiming to cross a couple of small jobs off my to-do list. I’m going to sort the freezer, tidy the cupboard under the sink and repaint the outdoor blackboard. Then that’s it. I’m going to spend the rest of the weekend relaxing and doing some craft kits that I was given for either Christmas or birthday. Then it’ll be time to get the childminding paraphernalia set up again ready for getting back to work on Monday.

Enjoy your days everyone