Did anyone work today or has everyone had the day off?

I had my usual Friday morning lie in this morning then pottered round getting my jobs done. I tidied all the childminding stuff away yesterday so we're in family home mode until 12th April. This afternoon I've gone round the house with my notepad and made a list of all the jobs I want doing while I'm off next week. What's the betting they're all still on the list this time next week
I did notice one of the local charity shops is opening up a couple of days next week for donations only. I'm tempted to get some sorting done early in the week so I can go and drop it off. I just wonder how busy it'll be if everyone's got the same idea!

What's everyone had/having for dinner this evening? We were going to have chicken, but I don't fancy it now. I'll probably have a sandwich, even though my son tells me that's an old person thing to do I don't quite know why, but he seems to think only old people have sandwiches for tea!

Have you all got nice plans for the Easter weekend? We're having a family Easter egg hunt and BBQ on Sunday so I hope the weather picks up again. It's been really cold today and DH reckons we're forecast snow on Monday!! I hope he's wrong!