How typical is that? It’s my day off, I was planning on having a lie in and I was wide awake at the crack of dawn! At least it’s meant I’ve had a peaceful start to the day as no one else is about yet.

I’ve got a few work related admin jobs to do today, not that I can remember what they are! They’re things that keep coming to mind and I think “oh I must remember to do that”, then promptly forget! I know one of them is to contact Ofsted about a change in people living in the house. Does anyone know which form I use? One of my sons is still registered as living here as he was a student, but he’s got his own place now so needs to be taken off the list.

When do your schools break up for Easter? Ours finish next Thursday. I know they’ll only have been back for 4 weeks, but my grandson’s ready for a break. He’s getting so tired and grumpy by the end of the week! I’m then hoping they can get through the whole of next term with no disruptions.

It’s time for another cup of coffee before I get on with my day. Enjoy whatever you’re up to today and don’t work too hard