What's everyone doing for World Book Day? Has anyone dressed up? I haven't really planned anything apart from reading lots of books! I've got some of the book related resources out so will just go with the flow. I really feel quite unprepared and I'm kicking myself for not thinking about it before today.

Having said that, I've got a quiet day today with just 2 children here for short days so I'll be able to wing it. It'll be my last quiet day before I'm into fill swing next week with everyone back and my new starter doing their full hours. On the plus side, my grandson will be back at school so I won't have to be juggling the home schooling as well. We'll all miss him (the children love him) but it'll be nice to get back to some sort of normality.

Our weather today is cold and grey. I had been hopeful that warmer weather was on its way, but I was obviously wrong! It's wet outside, so must have rained in the night. After those few bright spring days, it's a bit depressing to go back the cold and drizzle. I'd quite appreciate a bot of sunshine now

Have good days everyone.