These Monday mornings are coming round way too fast!

One of my children has changed days this week, so I'll have a busy day today but then a quiet Thursday to end my working week. I've got a feeling it's half term this week, but as I don't have any children going to school at the moment, it'll be a week just like any other! The only difference will be the lack of children going past the house to get to school, but as there have been so few of them going lately, it won't be a noticeable difference.

The weather is slightly warmer today, but we've now got persistent rain instead. I'm not sure which is worse - the cold or the wet. I think I'd just prefer some sunshine.

Did anyone watch Great Pottery Throwdown last night? I'm not finding this series as captivating as the others were, which is a shame because I normally love it. I don't think there are many weeks left now, so I'll watch till the end - mainly because there's nothing else on on a Sunday evening!

Any plans for the week ahead? We're doing pancake pictures today then will make pancakes tomorrow. What do you have on yours? I like a sprinkle of sugar and a squirt of lemon juice.

Enjoy your week. Good luck if you've got extra schoolies this week