Here we are again. The start of another week!

Who's got snow? I woke up to a thin scattering of very fine snow. It's coming down a bit heavier now and the flakes are bigger so hopefully we'll have a decent amount to play in before long. Last time we had snow the flakes were huge and it was lovely snow to play in. At the moment it's more of a dusty snow so not as easy to pick up.

Over the weekend my newest future mindee was born Mum sent me some photos yesterday and he is gorgeous! I'm not sure when I'll get a cuddle with the covid restrictions in place, so for now I'll just have to admire him from a 2 metre distance!

Has anyone else noticed an increase in enquiries for spaces for babies? I've had a lot of interest from parents who've had babies in the last year and are worried that they've never had chance to socialise. Now mums are getting ready to go back to work and they're concerned that the babies have never been left with anyone else and have pretty much spent their whole first year at home with parents. No mixing with family and friends, no toddler groups, not even meeting other families out and about. I've got one visit booked in for next week. The child is 18 months old, went to toddler groups etc with mum for the first 6 months, but then has been at home with mum & dad for almost a year. Parents say she is frightened of everyone and everything so they're looking for somewhere for her to go for just a couple of mornings a week to get used to being away from them. I can see we're going to have a lot of similar children coming along soon, once everything starts to get back to normal.

Have you got any nice activities planned with the children for valentine's day? Each year I say I'm not going to do anything as I don't really see it as a day for children, but then each year I cave to peer pressure (and social media photos of activities other childminders have done) and end up hastily organising a last minute heart themed activity!

Have good days everyone. Stay warm and stay safe