The weather’s horrible so I’m not planning on venturing out today. I was hoping for a bit more snowy and icy weather so I could do my frozen water activity for the children, but looking at the forecast for the week ahead, we’re just due rain, rain and more rain.

A while ago I signed up to do a course that now needs completing ASAP, so that’s my job for this weekend. I’ve got everything set out ready, I just need to force myself to get started on it One more cup of coffee and a slice of toast and I should be good to go

Who’s going to be watching the Masked Singer tonight? I’ve got into quite late on so if they do another series I’ll have to make sure I watch it from the beginning. So far I’ve been pretty rubbish at it and haven’t had any idea who anyone is, but then I’ve probably missed the majority of the clues they’ve given! From having started the year with very little to watch on TV, I seem to be watching an awful lot now. I need to write myself a list though as I forget what’s on where and when

How’s everyone doing in themselves? I had a bit of a mood dip for a few days, but have picked up again now. This lockdown does seem to be dragging on and I found it hard to stay positive when the light at the end of the tunnel seems so far away. If anyone is struggling, don’t forget we’re all here to help. Send a private message if you ever need a chat

Enjoy your weekends and make sure you all take time to relax and do something nice for yourselves