Good morning Thursday
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  1. #1
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    Default Good morning Thursday

    Good morning everyone!

    I really struggled to get out of bed this morning so was running a bit late. Luckily, so was the first mindee! I was just coming down the stairs as they knocked at the door, so it was good timing

    We've had another sunny morning so we spent most of it in the garden. It feels very spring-like and it really lifted my mood. It gives you a bit of hope that things might start getting better soon. It's amazing what the sight of a random snowdrop can do

    Has anyone been watching Pooch Perfect on a Thursday night? I saw it last week and I'm not sure I really agree with it. Is it right that a dog (who doesn't have a choice about being on the show) is dyed and dressed up for entertainment? They didn't seem particularly traumatised by the experience but I was a bit uneasy about it. I think I'll stick to Pottery Throw Down.

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    Morning mouse . I have to be up and dog taken to the fields and everything set up before a child comes.I'm one of those I like to be organised people . I got up late today, just after 6 as husband not at work today , normally I’m up 4.30 saying that I had the I don’t want to get up today feeling also.

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    Evening everyone not sure where today went but Thursday is my busiest day due to the children who I have not as in numbers just the combination on a Thursday is always more hardworking. Our day started off lovely and bright and we spent most of the morning in the garden, this afternoon we went for a little walk before school collection and yes Mouse I was very happy to see the snowdrops peeping through the grass in a little community area we walked.

    Wow Dragonfly you do so well to get up that early, you must have such lovely peaceful dog walks at that time of the day, I am full of good intentions when I go to bed that I will get up when my alarm goes off at 6.30am but come the morning its a different story

    DH has his Covid vaccination Saturday as he has an underlying health condition so he is quite high on the list, he can't wait to get it done.

    Nearly the weekend everyone
    Pixie Dust

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    I didn't want to get up either !

    It was raining !!!! there's a surprise so i was doubly uninclined to get up!

    But I did, and everyone arrived, and then we trooped out to the car to do the school run ... and car wouldn't blip/unlock ... i went to find spare key ( thinking it was the battery in my key fob ) ... still wouldn't unlock ... so i unlocked it with the key, and the alarm went off .... put key in ignition ... NOTHING! so we walked to school, in the rain !!! I rang school on the way to say sorry, minded child would be late, and they laughed and said not to worry ... it would be the first time EVER I'd dropped a child off late !!! .... got home, and rang garage ... turns out that my 6 mth old, all singing, all dancing, super battery must have a fault to have totally discharged itself overnight ( it was fine at 9pm last night! ) ... so it's being replaced! DH has it on charge to get it going enough so we can move it, as my car is blocking drive! so pleased though that it 'died' whilst i was at home, and that I didn't have to get anywhere i couldn't get to by walking! my nightmare would have been it dying whilst I was out somewhere with no phone signal, and then not being able to get any help. I always have a buggy/fleeces in the car, but we don't always have coats ( even in this weather ) if we are driving to school for example, and not getting out of car ( apart from me to stand by car and wave at minded child !)

    But other than that we had a good day, and it stopped raining this afternoon in time to do the school run. Forecast is only for a little rain tomorrow, so i'm really hoping we will get out! 2 out of the 3 children who are here tomorrow generally like to be outside whatever the weather ( farmers children ) so i'm looking forward to the fresh air! ( unlike todays cohort who are convinced they will melt in the rain ! )

    I usually like everything to be set up, but because i'm not generally doing a school run ( just one day a week ) and don't have schoolies arriving, we're just getting stuff out as we want it, unless I have a definite plan! and the schoolie that comes today, has been coming for years, and just helps herself to whatever drawing/craft bits she wants in the morning - she is well trained! I'm liking being a bit less organised, although i'm finding it a bit stressful at times! I've taken to having a selection of craft activities more or less planned/ready to go, stacked in boxes, so if we need one, I grab a box and we're sorted! But we often do something totally different with the activity anyway !!!

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    Yes Mouse, we watched Pooch Perfect and were a bit shocked with the multicoloured round. I don't think they were being very good role models by including that.

    I agree, there was a hint of spring in the air today, which was very uplifting. We went out for a lovely walk and mindee and I always name one thing that we hope we will see on our walk. He usually always says 'a really big lorry', and today I said snowdrops. I do get excited seeing snowdrops. We saw quite a few actually. It's my way of introducing him to a new plant/bird/flower etc.

    Loocyloo, my DH is a 'farmer's child' and I have had to teach him to embrace the outdoors in winter. He now tolerates it for short periods.

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