What’s everyone got planned for today?

My Fridays are becoming rather mundane - a lie in, nice long shower rather than my usual 5 minute rush, a bit of sorting out and a quick trip to a supermarket. I’m missing the time when I could spend my day off meeting a friend for coffee, having a wander round the shops or jumping on the train to go and visit my son. Or if DH was off work we’d travel further afield for a nice lunch and a wander round the area. I need to think up some more exciting things to do on a Friday! It doesn’t help that the weather is so grim most of the time.

For my sorting out job today I’m going to be venturing under the bed! I can’t even remember the last time I pulled everything out from under there so I’m wondering what treasures I’ll find! I do know it’s very dusty under there One of the cats sleeps under the bed at night so they’re not going to be happy when I disturb their comfy spot!

This evening will be takeaway night and the new season of NCIS on the TV...it doesn’t get much more exciting than that

Have good days everyone