Good morning everyone!

Today is my day with the destructive 2 year old and he's already caused chaos among the other children. He's a big lad and just bulldozes his way through whatever the other children are doing! I can distract him for a while, but he soon goes back to tipping everything out and destroying everything in sight. I know it's a phase and he'll grow out of it...the sooner the better would be good

The weather is looking quite promising for today - blue sky, a bit of sunshine and not too cold - so we'll head out into the garden after snack time and hopefully stay there until lunchtime. The child who doesn't like being outside isn't here today which makes it easier. The other children all love being in the garden so I know I'll have no complaints from them

After lunch we're going to do some junk modelling. I'm not sure all the children are really old enough to understand the concept, but they like using masking tape to stick things together so I'm sure they'll have fun! I had saved some lovely cardboard boxes for them to use, only to find that DH has recycled them! They we like big matchboxes, with slide out parts and I thought they'd be fab. Why on earth he didn't realised they were piled up in the kitchen for a reason, I really don't know. He should be well enough trained to know not to get rid of anything that might be useful

Have good days everyone