Good morning Tuesday
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  1. #1
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    Default Good morning Tuesday

    Good morning everyone.

    So here we are, back in lockdown! Are all your children coming as normal or have any parents decided to keep hem at home? I've had one phone me this morning to say she's keeping her daughter at home for now. In my opinion it's where she should be. Mum isn't working and has the school aged sibling at home, so there's really no need for the younger daughter to be leaving their house and mixing with other children. The only problem for me is that she's funded and I've seen various reports saying that we won't be paid for funded children this time if they don't attend. I haven't looked for anything officially saying that as I don't want it to be true

    All the other children will be coming as normal unless the Government changes its mind again and only lets us accept key worker children. I'm really torn. I do think children should be at home if they can be, but I don't want another period of no money coming in.

    I'm finding it all very unsettling at the moment, but the children who are here are helping to ground me! They just carry on as normal and I'm trying to follow their lead

    Today we're having a full on free play day while I get my head around it all. We might even have a movie afternoon if the mood takes us.

    I hope you're all ok

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    My little one is still coming. Thank goodness. I feel safe with him because his parents are both working from home and are following the rules. It must be hard for minders who know or suspect that parents are not being careful, or even parents who are working on the front line so exposed to everything.

    We've had a busy morning as I'm all inspired at the moment. I sorted out a couple of cupboards over the holidays and have lots of out of date herbs and spices which I plan to use for sensory play. I also found half a packet each of sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds which were out of date, so this morning we had them in a big tub and did lots of pouring etc. We'll eventually make bird feeders with them. Last week my lovely neighbour put her decorations back in the loft and found a fisherprice farm with animals which used to belong to her children, and donated it to me. I set it up for mindee this morning and it has kept him so entertained. DH said we should take a picture of him playing with it and send it to her! Of course I explained that I won't be doing that, but it is so sad how careful we have to be these days. She would have loved to see a photo of a little child playing with it again, as her children have emigrated to New Zealand now.

    Just having a little breather now and then off into the garden until lunch time.

    The RSPB are doing their wild challenge again where you can work towards bronze, silver and gold awards. We did them a few years ago and the challenges were lovely. I'm trying to figure out if my mindee will get anything out of it yet, or whether he's still a bit young. I'm going to have a proper look on the website when he has his nap.

    Have a lovely day everyone.

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    You could take the photo and show her ( get parent permission) but don’t leave it with her. We do have to think about everything nowadays.

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    Everyone appears to be coming as normal, I am just waiting for clarification around my before/after school children as they are key worker families so should be getting a school place but even then I am not to sure about providing care. Its all so difficult I have worked all through but must admit after watching Boris last night I am not sure how I feel about the whole thing especially early years being open for everyone! I have 3 sets of parents that could keep their children home but have said they won't, all of them funded so it's not like they have to pay others are working so it's understandable that they need to continue with childcare. There is no right or wrong here its all down to personal choice.

    This morning the children have been happily playing together so I have just let them get on with it.
    Pixie Dust

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    Or take a photo with just mindees hands in it?

    I seem to have all my little ones still coming and life is a normal! One even arrived having started potty training YESTERDAY! .... so lucky I'm not going anywhere!

    I too feel unsure about working this time with everyone in, but I have a fair few keyworkers, so they'll need care. I guess if most people are staying home, then risks of little ones spreading it are lower but still not entirely easy with it this time.

    We're just playing with everything and reading stories. We've played outside for a bit ( child potty training .. has new waterproofs ... all in one !!! .... having had separates for past 6 mths! Going to ask mum to send old ones tomorrow! ) having lunch, naps and older Mindee and I will do some structured stuff ( he's usually at nursery today ) and then, yes .. we might all watch a film too!

    Stay safe and warm. X
    Last edited by loocyloo; 05-01-2021 at 12:17 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Maza View Post
    DH said we should take a picture of him playing with it and send it to her! Of course I explained that I won't be doing that, but it is so sad how careful we have to be these days. She would have loved to see a photo of a little child playing with it again, as her children have emigrated to New Zealand now.

    As long as you've got parental permission for photos I would take a photo of the child from behind or just blur out his face. As long as the child isn't identifiable I don't see a problem with it.

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    Its 3.27 I have survived the first day of working and home schooling. I know deep down I will not be so lucky again.

    Please keep me in your thoughts
    When someone tells you nothing is impossible, tell them to go slam a revolving door

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    Quote Originally Posted by FussyElmo View Post
    Its 3.27 I have survived the first day of working and home schooling. I know deep down I will not be so lucky again.

    Please keep me in your thoughts
    well done!

    I'm just so pleased I don't have to home school! DD just gets on with it. Luckily I bought a new box of printer paper last week ... judging by b today ... just in time!

    Today ... not having to do school run .... whilst I missed the enforced activity and then seeing people, it reminded me how much I like not having big people in the house! However .... I've a large collection of schoolies that just don't want to leave! ( plus financially I need them! ) that said ... I do like them all!

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    Quote Originally Posted by loocyloo View Post
    well done!

    I'm just so pleased I don't have to home school! DD just gets on with it. Luckily I bought a new box of printer paper last week ... judging by b today ... just in time!

    Today ... not having to do school run .... whilst I missed the enforced activity and then seeing people, it reminded me how much I like not having big people in the house! However .... I've a large collection of schoolies that just don't want to leave! ( plus financially I need them! ) that said ... I do like them all!
    Ds struggles and has a scribe/reader at school so hes needs constant help. If left to his own devices no work would get done. Dd quite happy to sit there with her headphones and get on with it
    When someone tells you nothing is impossible, tell them to go slam a revolving door

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    I really don't envy those of you having to home school. It must be so difficult having to work and get your own children to do their school work.

    I saw a friend posting about how she was glad she could still send her child to the childminder because there was no way she could home school her child with a toddler at home. I know her childminder and I know she'll be trying to home school her daughter at the same time as looking after my friend's son!

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    I’ve got one staying away as mother doesn’t want to put me at risk and is not sending her to nursery either.but the others are here as normal even though they don’t all need too.I also feel a tad uneasy this time round. I think some people aren’t taking it seriously enough. I heard today 1 in 50? Have got the virus that’s a lot.
    One parent said were all bound to get it at some point, ahhh I don’t want it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonfly View Post
    One parent said were all bound to get it at some point, ahhh I don’t want it.
    I think I must have had the first strain when I had it as I really wasn't too bad. A few friends have got it now and they're suffering much more than I did. Thankfully none of them are seriously ill, but it's hitting them much harder. I don't think I'd want it now either!

    Stay healthy xx

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    All apart from one of mine are school age from reception to yr6. Two are nhs keyworkers but not front line as they are pharmacists at various level. They are keeping the boys with them. The 2yr is also keyworker but they are isolating which leaves me very upset that I then have 4 families that I can’t help but I know have very stressful jobs, working from home and home schooling too.

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    Could you work as a nanny for one family Sylvia? or form a childcare bubble ???

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    Quote Originally Posted by loocyloo View Post
    Could you work as a nanny for one family Sylvia? or form a childcare bubble ???
    I don’t think I could as they are all here on the same day as my key worker children. Not sure that would be acceptable



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