Good morning Monday
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  1. #1
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    Default Good morning Monday

    Good morning everyone. I've just got time for a quick post before the children arrive.

    I really struggled to get out of bed this morning. I don't know how I ever managed 7am starts!

    Is anyone anxious about starting back this week? I have to be honest, I'm not too worried, but I know a lot of people are. I have told parents I'll be very strict with illness from now on. Before Christmas the children had colds and snotty noses, but I accepted them all. I haven't said I wouldn't have them now, but I've said I'll have to consider each case individually and that parents should consider keeping unwell children at home even if they don't have classic covid symptoms. It's tough - I don't want to turn children away if it's just a cold, but then how do I know it's just a cold? I think this term is going to be the toughest yet in terms of knowing when to accept children and when to exclude them.

    Are your primary schools open this week? Ours all are, so far. I see there are calls for another national lockdown, so I think we'll all have to keep an eye on the news to see what happens over the next few days.

    Has anyone got any exciting plans for today? I've set out favourite toys so the children have something familiar when they come back. I find they're tired after christmas so we have an easy start to the week. I use the time to see which resources they particularly use and which ones they're bored with. I can then see which ones to leave out and which ones need packing away and swapping for something different. I've changed the book selection to fairy tales and Julia Donaldson books. I'll see which ones they're most drawn to and those will be our chosen stories for the next few weeks.

    Have good days everyone. If you're not starting back today, enjoy that extra day of rest!

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    Good morning!

    I got up with DH this morning, just so tomorrow isn't such a shock !!!! I'll have 4 delights all arriving 7.50-8.05 !!!!

    I've had a bit of a re-arrange in the playroom, and like you Mouse, will have an easy and gently start back. I've already had 2 parents say their child is ready to come back .... i think that actually what they mean is ... the parent is ready for a break !!!

    I think this term will be the hardest too. I had colds/snot and the lot last term, but have sent all parents an email saying that if their child is not 100% to think about NOT bringing them, and getting them tested instead! I have said that I will send them away/home if in anyway under the weather. I only have 2 that could possibly be teething. I've also said that they HAVE to tell me if they have given child medicine before arriving, as if they need medicine, then they should be home, as i will not be administering it ( and warned that any late morning 'suddenly' coming down with something, will be suspected to be medicine wearing off, and they will be sent home! ) I've also said that there will be NO chats on the doorstep ( all messages in diary or to text me ) and to wear masks at drop off & collection. It's going to be hard for me too, as a couple of my mums are friends, and we like a good chat! A couple of others, might mean they actually LOOK in diary

    Our school is open, but i suspect tier 4 schools will close shortly, with tier 3 not far behind ... however .... the superdooper, teflon coated early years can stay open for everyone and anyone, as everyone knows Covid won't come near us I do think the govt is doing the best it can, afterall, no one has had to deal with anything like this before, however, i'm not sure they are thinking about everything fully, and possibly had to take eye off the ball to sort out brexit!

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    Morning I didn't want to get out of bed either, it is very wet and windy here which didn't help.

    Our school has opened today but quite a few parents have kept their children home, it was very strange walking to school this morning as it was so quiet. There was quite a big discussion on our village's Facebook page about who was going to send their child to school today. It's very difficult for everyone and as much as some don't want to send their children in they have to go to work., every families situation is different and one of the parents said to me at drop off this morning that their child really struggled during the first lockdown and needs to be in school but felt that people were making her out to be a bad mum because she had sent them in where she could have kept them at home. I agree that this term will be hard, we are in a Tier 4 area with rapid rise in cases so not sure how long the school will stay open. I am sending a newsletter out today just to remind parents about illness etc.

    I was quite anxious yesterday about starting back today but it was lovely to see the little ones smiling faces. I do have one who is struggling today though as they have been home for 2 weeks just them and mum/dad so really struggling with having to share/wait their turn even was upset when they couldn't be first to wash their hands

    Have a good day everybody xx
    Pixie Dust

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    Good Morning to all and a happy? new year - hoping for a better one at least! As I am in a clinically vulnerable group I have delayed my re-opening until next Monday to allow for 10 days isolation period after the Christmas break and then I will only have one possibly two children of teachers who are working from home. I was considering wearing a mask at drop off and collection as well as I don't think we can be 2m distant at the door. It's so scary at the moment I really feel like just staying in and not seeing anyone at all but I will do the best I can for my lovely parents and children.

  7. #5
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    I just wish they would stop dithering over matters.

    If a national lockdown is required then do it now none waiting to see.

    Don't tell people they can't access schools etc unless they are critical keyworkers but then tell then to still go to work.

    Start being proactive not reactive.

    All my parents are booked in but they are all critical keyworkers so don't really have any choice
    When someone tells you nothing is impossible, tell them to go slam a revolving door

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    Morning! I got up and ready to start work. I was having 2 school children as we are still on hols today and 1 2yr who’s mums an essential workers. So at 8.00. Older children’s mum texts to say she’s so uncertain about sending them to me and decides not to. The 2yr old arrives at half 9 and is gone by 10 as mum has ear infection and is at home so said she may as well have little one with her. So I’m having another day to myself!!

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    so ... my local school is shut for early years up to yr 4, with only yr 5/6 and keyworker/vulnerable children in .... this is for the next few days ... possibly! a 'watch this space' time!

    ... I've decided to wait and see what parents do ... and if they contact me and ask me to have schoolchildren for the whole day, instead of just afterschool ... I'm not sure what i'll do! I'm open, but children are only booked in for afterschool, and I won't be able to provide a quiet 'home learning' environment.

    Hey Ho !!

  10. #8
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    I’m now in tier 4 and most schools are open. Yes I suppose I am a bit worried about catching covid if I’m honest especially as said children carry it. But we have to carry on don’t we?

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