Merry Christmas!
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  1. #1
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    Default Merry Christmas!

    Merry Christmas everyone.

    I hope everyone has had a good day, even if you couldn’t be with everyone you wanted to be with.

    We’ve had a lovely day. Presents at home this morning with some of the family and then all round to our eldest son’s house for lunch followed by an afternoon of games. One of our sons couldn’t be there as he’s in a different bubble with his girlfriend and her family, but we did get to see them yesterday to exchange presents (although I don’t think we should have done really )

    I’m now having a chilling evening as this is the first time I’ve sat down all day with a cup of coffee! We were planning more games for this evening but I’ve got a feeling everyone has gone to sleep - the house is very quiet

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    Happy Christmas!

    We've had a lovely day too. Our M and S Christmas dinner was lovely and really made for an easy, relaxing day as we didn't have to cook anything. We are suitably stuffed and our doggy has just vomited because he has been given too many treats today, bless him.

    Enjoy the rest of the day everyone. x

  3. #3
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    Very quiet but good thank you.

  4. #4
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    Merry Christmas everyone.

    We had a lovely day quite stress free even survived a family game of monopoly 🤣🤣🤣

    I'm doing a Christmas Dinner again and then dh will head out to work.

    Enjoy boxing day everyone x
    When someone tells you nothing is impossible, tell them to go slam a revolving door

  5. #5
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    Merry Christmas everyone.

    We've had a couple of lovely relaxed days, not doing much except eating far too much and talking.

    Did anyone watch call the midwife? I thought it was very well done abs you wouldn't have guessed they'd filmed it under social distancing rules.

    Off for a walk in the woods today, then home for yet more food!

    We've seen all our family on zoom, but I'm missing seeing people in person and our usual gatherings at this time of year. Much love to everyone now in tier 4.

    Stay safe, well and warm everyone xxxxx

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    I didn't watch Call the Midwife. I will though. Earlier this year I watched the whole show from series 1 - but I left the Christmas specials for December and so I am working my way through them. I'm currently watching the one where they are in South Africa. I really, really, really love that show.

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    Hi everyone! We have had a very relaxed couple of days, we spoke to all the family Christmas Day via FaceTime which was lovely. We have been out on walks and then indulged in treats. Today we are slowly putting some normality in to our day ... We are now in Tier 4 so there isn't a lot we can do out of the house, normally we would be out and about visiting family, lovely long walks in the countryside. DH and I are making the most of the week together having a sort out and planning things for the coming year. Sounds like everyone had a lovely Christmas even if it was a little different.
    Pixie Dust

  9. #8
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    Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas. We had a fun Christmas with DD2 with us for a few days (she lives alone and we are her bubble). We have had a few nice walks. Today I’m making some soup with veggies we didn’t use and having ham, egg and chips for tea. Really cold and frosty today so I’m having a bit of a sort out day and might do some pilates later as my back is a bit sore after yesterday’s walk. Enjoy your day everyone



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